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Dancing in the Dark

Posted on Thu 29th Aug, 2019 @ 10:48pm by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs & Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena

1,369 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Orchids & Jazz
Timeline: MD 9 2330 hours

It was more than an hour later when Dallas and Kiara finally returned to Orchids & Jazz.

Kiara smiled at the gentleman at the door. "Hello again. Could we place have a table near the dance floor?"

Reon smiled at the two officers, who seemed much more at ease together now. "I think that can be arranged," he replied, waving Jenna over. "Table 102, I think?"

The server nodded, "Perfect choice. Follow me, please." She led them to the right side of the small wooden dance floor and showed them a round table, a little more exposed than the booth where they had dined before. "How's this?"

"This will be lovely. Thank you," Kiara replied. She glanced at Dallas for confirmation.

Dallas nodded, "It's fine with me."

"What desserts do you recommend?" Kiara asked Jenna.

"Jade mentioned that your dessert was free, and there aren't any I don't recommend," Jenna grinned. "I have quite a sweet tooth. Death by Chocolate is quite nice, but so is the new Raspberry Chocolate Truffle Cake. You can't go wrong with any of Marin's creations."

Kiara considered that, but they both sounded too rich for her tastes. She looked at the menu. "I'll take the lemon custard pie, please. And a glass of white wine."

"I'll have the same." Dallas smiled back.

"I'll have those right out to you," Jenna said.

Kiara shook her head. "And now I have more to work off."

Dallas chuckled, "Yes, once we eat it, we will need to work it off somehow."

Kiara laughed. "Anything but more walking."

"Perhaps we could dance a song or two if you like." he smiled.

She returned his smile. "I love dancing."

Dallas smiled again, "Well there is no time like the present, shall we?" Dallas stood and offered her a hand.

"It would be my pleasure," she said, putting her hand in his. In truth, she was looking forward to dancing with Dallas.

Dallas gently guided Kiara over to the dance floor and turned around, taking her in his arms as they began to dance to some soft music that he had never heard before. "I'm a little rusty at dancing, so I hope I don't step on your toes. I haven't danced with anyone since..." he stopped mid-sentence.

"It's okay. I haven't danced in a while, either." She pretended he hadn't stopped suddenly, as she knew what he meant. He hadn't danced since his wife died. "If you step on my toes, I will take it as permission to bump into you." It had been a while since she heard this music, too. It always had such heart to it. She put her left hand on his shoulder and held out her right hand for him to take. "I promise to be gentle."

He nodded without saying anything else and took her hand. They began to dance together, letting the music wash over them and guiding them in rhythm. Dallas closed his eyes as they danced, “I love this music, it’s very soothing and you dance very well.” He opened his eyes and gazed into her eyes. “I’ve had a lot of fun today, thank you.”

She met his gaze longer than she should have. "No, I should thank you. I've enjoyed today." Far more than was prudent, but for tonight, she was simply going to enjoy the moment.

One song blended into another while they danced. She wasn't quite sure how to feel about dancing with a man who was thinking more of his dead wife than the woman he was dancing with. She knew he still loved his wife, but it was still a little off-putting.

When the band took a break, the other dancers began to make their way back to the tables.

“I think it’s time for that dessert now and maybe a drink,” Briggs said.

"Yes. I would like a drink. And perhaps, before we leave here, another dance?" It wouldn't hurt to ask. She wasn't sure when she'd have another chance.

When the couple returned to the table, their dessert and drinks were there waiting for them. Dallas slid the seat in for Kiara when she sat then took his seat beside her. “The dessert looks very good.”

"It does, doesn't it?" She smiled at him, raised an eyebrow, then took a bite. "Oh, my." Her eyes closed as she enjoyed the combination of flavors. She took another bite before she opened her eyes again. "That is good."

Briggs followed suit and took a bite of his dessert. “Mummm, That tastes wonderful.” He smiled at his companion as he took another bite from lemon custard pie. “The flavors are so vivid,” he added.

She nodded. "I don't think I should try death by chocolate," she joked. She took a long drink of wine. "That is probably illegal on a dozen worlds. I will have to order an entire pie to take back to my room for a long weekend indulgence." She finished her pie and then her wine, taking a few minutes to appreciate the pastry chef's skill.

“I’m sure they probably deliver, too,” Dallas teased before he finished his drink. “What would you like to do now?”

"Another dance, if you don't mind." She should see if they deliver. But then, it wasn't as much fun to eat alone.

The band began to play again after their break. “Sounds like they’re playing our song.” Dallas teased as he stood up and took her hand once again.

She smiled and let him lead her to the dance floor. In spite of what he said, he was good, and she enjoyed dancing with him. She put her hand on his shoulder again. "So, do you come around here often?" she teased.

“All the time.” Dallas teased back. “Perhaps when we are done I can walk you home. But you have to promise that we’ll share a pie sometime.” He chuckled and continued to dance with her.

"That's a promise I will gladly make." She smiled again. She was smiling a lot this evening. "And if you ever find yourself in need of a dance partner, let me know."

The couple continued to dance through several songs losing track of time. “You are truly a gifted dancer.” Dallas said as they danced.

"I have an inspirational partner." It was true. While she was a good dancer, Dallas made it effortless. It was truly a joy to dance with him.

The lights on the dance floor dimmed and the band announced the last song of the set, Dancing in the Dark. It was a perfect way to end the evening.

The song seemed to last for quite a while. It was the first time in a long time that Dallas actually had a lot of fun. After another minute, the music stopped, but Dallas still held onto Kiara. It took him another second or two to realize that the song was over, and then he finally released her. “Thank you for the dance,” he said softly.

She let out a slow breath, just to hold on to the magic of that last song for another moment. "It was my pleasure. I enjoy dancing with you." She hesitated a moment until the lights came up. "I guess it's time for us to leave."

Kiara slipped her hand through Dallas's arm as he led her off the dance floor.

He smiled and asked, “May I walk you home?”

"Yes, kind sir, I would greatly appreciate the courtesy."

She thanked the staff as they walked out of Orchids & Jazz and slowly made their way back to her quarters.

Kiara paused at her door, turning to Dallas. "You made my first day here memorable." She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you."

Dallas smiled, his cheek tingling where she kissed him. “You know, it was my pleasure to show you around, and I really enjoyed the dancing.” He stepped away, “Have a good night.”

"You, too," she said quietly. She watched him walk down the corridor, smiling softly. Then she turned and walked through her door, humming Dancing in the Dark. Yes. It had been a most memorable day.


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