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Keeping Perspective

Posted on Wed 28th Aug, 2019 @ 10:25pm by Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena

1,233 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: MD 10, 1445

Kiara wanted to have a chat with Jade Lantz, and to have a second look at Orchids & Jazz. She'd enjoyed her first trip there with Lieutenant Briggs, but she didn't have a chance to speak with the owner of the establishment, or to truly appreciate the music. So she arrived near the end of lunch in the hopes that Jade would have a little time before the dinner rush began.

"Good afternoon, Commander," the doorman said, smiling his trademark smile. "Are you interested in a late lunch?"

"I am," she said, returning his smile. "And perhaps a chat with the proprietress, if she's not too busy."

Reon glanced toward the beautiful wooden bar that was a trademark of Orchids & Jazz. Jade was leaning on the top, listening to the music and watching the customers. Looking back at the commander and smiling, he told her, "If you have a seat at the bar, you can accomplish both things at the same time."

Kiara glanced at the bar, then back at Reon. "That would be perfect. Thank you."

She walked over to the bar and smiled at Jade. "Mind if I sit here and we have a chat?"

Jade straightened up and focused on the woman who had initiated conversation. "Of course not. It's good to see you again, Commander," she said with her typical smile. "Do you need something to drink or eat? It isn't necessary for having a conversation, but if talk is all you'd like, we should probably go back into my office for more privacy. There's no one else here at the moment, but that can change."

"I'm fine with either a drink here, or a chat in your office," Kiara said. "But it might be better if we go in your office this time."

Jade nodded and waved Elijah over to bartend.

"Right this way, Commander Lena." She led her through the door to the back offices, and down to her own, smiling as she passed the room where Daneel was instructing Gladia in something. Idly, she thought she'd check in with him later to see how things were going with the group of humaniforms. They seemed to have their own schedule for who was working with her people and when, but the floor was always covered by at least two of them.

Turning into her office, she waved toward a comfortable leather chair in front of her desk, and asked, "What would you like to drink? Actually, you can get food here, too, if you're hungry."

"Some of your lemonade," Kiara said. "As for food, not unless you're having something. I mostly came to see you."

Jade sent a quick message to the kitchen for lemonade and lemon bars to go with it. "That won't take but five minutes," she said relaxing and leaning back in her chair. "Now, how can I serve you today?"

She sat down in the chair. "I was told you know a great deal about the civilian population here. In fact, some refer to you as the unofficial Mayor." Kiara smiled. "I would like some information to better help me in my role as diplomat. I want to be of help to the station, and I want to understand the needs of the people living here."

"It sounds like you've seen Commodore Suzuki," the club owner smiled. "She has proposed I take that position, but I'm not comfortable being a politician. I do better as a civilian business leader."

Jade thought about what the diplomat wanted to know. "That's going to be a lot to process," she warned the woman. "I have people who can take you on tours of various parts of the civilian areas, and you'd be 100% safe with them everywhere, but it will take time." She leaned forward in her chair.

"Look, instead of thinking of this as a station, think of it as a city with a military base on it ... a very diverse city." Lantz paused to think, and then shrugged. "I don't know how many species are represented here, but I expect most with whom we have diplomatic relationships have a minimum of 50 people, and do you know about the Besm? They'll have 5000 or more. The total population, civilian and military, is creeping quickly toward a quarter of a million, and a lot of the civilian races are represented in Starfleet, too."

Thinking about the original question again, Jade asked, "What kind of role to you see for yourself with the civilian population?"

Podkayne came in quietly and set lemonade and plates of lemon bars in front of the women, then slipped out again. Jade smiled at her, but picked up a lemon bar and waited to hear what the commander had to say.

"Officially, I don't know--except for the arrival of the Besm Governor. But I don't see my job as just working with the consulates. I want to be able to help with civilian problems as well. I can act as arbitrator, mediator, or third party. I'm not security, I'm not part of the station's command staff, and I'm not a judge. So I hope to be able to liaise or listen, advise or assist, if needed." She took a lemon bar and a napkin. "I don't want to step on toes, either. So, what do you think I could do here?"

"Be mayor," Jade quipped, laughing. "Get the commodore off my back."

"Seriously? I'm not sure. I know that in the role of arbiter, or arbitrator, if you prefer, you would be called upon. I wouldn't say frequently or often, but something a little less that's more than sometimes. Perhaps you should come to the next 109 Business Association meeting, see who does what on the base, and go from there. It's in," she scrolled through the calendar on her PADD, "two weeks exactly. If you want to be hands on, then getting down and dirty with the civilian leaders might be the first step."

"I have no interest in being mayor. Sorry." Kiara smiled. That was not something she was comfortable with, either. "So you will still have to deal with the commodore. But I would like to come to the next meeting. I don't want to impose, but I am willing to help out when needed. I bring a different perspective that is occasionally useful."

Jade nodded, "It's always good to have someone arbitrate who has no stake in any part of the disagreement. I'll send you an official invitation," and she made a note on her calendar to do that, "with place and time. I imagine things are already heating up for you, appointments and meetings. You've been here two days? Three? I imagine you have meetings with all the consular staff on base. And the Besm ... such interesting people. You'll enjoy them." She laughed, "You may find you have no time for other duties, but I'll send the invitation and you come if you can."

Kiara took a bite of the lemon bar, deciding she would have to come back for more. "Don't be surprised if I come simply to find respite from diplomatic functions." She smiled. "I've met with the consuls and ambassadors, yes. So far, I have high hopes that we will be able to work amicably together. But I have no illusions that my job will be easy. Helping the civilian population will help me keep everything in perspective."


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