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Setting the Scene, Preparing the Loft

Posted on Wed 8th May, 2019 @ 5:54pm by
Edited on on Wed 8th May, 2019 @ 6:26pm

953 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Deck 600 - ‘Orchids & Jazz’
Timeline: MD-02: 1205

Orchids and Jazz was heaving with the lunchtime rush as Jason Fisher arrived. He was, unsurprisingly, slightly flustered, having sprinted from the turbolift to the jazz club to ensure that he arrived before Damion Ildaran and his rather unusual guest. He wasted no time with preamble. “I need to see Miss Lantz,” he said to the man at the door, whose name he had yet to learn. His tone was polite enough, but it was also clear that he wasn’t going to take ‘no' for an answer.

"You'll find her walking around among the customers, Commander, or I can have Jenna pull her quietly aside, if you prefer," Velasquez said quietly, nodding and smiling to a regular customer who walked past him toward the bar.

"Yes," Fisher nodded thoughtfully, indicating the latter. "That might be for the best." While he had every intention of acting as normally as possible, he couldn't risk someone overhearing what he needed to tell Miss Lantz in those next few moments.

Reon motioned Jenna over and whispered something to her. She nodded, smiled at the commander, and moved off quickly. Shortly, she returned with the club owner.

Jade held out her hand to the man waiting for her. "Jade Lantz, owner of this club. I don't believe I've had the pleasure of meeting you, Commander. Jenna said you need to talk with me privately. Let's go back to my office, shall we?"

She turned to lead him back around the floor in front of her beloved hardwood bar, polished to a high shine, and through the door that led to her office, as well as others. The door, a paned double French one, was closed, but she turned the knob and entered then gestured to the man to follow her in and take a seat.

"Is there anything I can get for you while we talk? I know you Starfleet officers sometimes forget to eat, and it is lunchtime," she smiled, as she sat behind her desk.

“Perhaps, in a moment,” he reassured her, sitting on one of the comfy brown leather chairs in front of her. “Unfortunately, what I need to say is time sensitive so forgive me if we dispense with the pleasantries.”

“We’ve got a rather unusual...” He paused briefly, “Well, I think it’s supposed to be an interrogation, but by all accounts it’s taken an odd turn.” He paused again, trying to decide the best and most succinct way to present the facts of the matter, without freaking the club owner out. “The person involved seems to be displaying multiple personalities and so, to try and connect memories together, one of our team is bringing her to somewhere that may be familiar to her... Here.” He stopped again, allowing Ms Lantz time to process his words.

"Are you talking about the woman about whom several of my employees put together security footage?" Lantz asked, leaning back in her chair. "If so, let me know what I can do to help. The lieutenant didn't tell me a lot about why he wanted that footage, but I rather imagined that it was something serious, given recent events on the base."

“Officially, I can’t tell you that,” said Fisher with both a tone and an expression which suggested that was exactly the case. “What I can say is that one of our investigators will be arriving with her shortly, and we would very much like you to offer them a table that can easily be observed from a variety of vantage points, and simply wait on them as you would any other customers. Several members of the intel. team will also be arriving, but all will be keeping a low profile.” He raised his left hand by way of reassurance. “We don’t expect any trouble at all,” he continued, “But we are well prepared should anything go wrong - none of your staff or clientele will be in any danger.”

"It never occurred to me they would be," Jade said. "We'll have no trouble accommodating you, but I believe I'll put her and your people in the loft. If you will stand as if conversing with Reon, my doorman, letting him know which ones are yours, it would be helpful. No one I would consider fragile will be seated upstairs, but other customers will also be there. It will be a smaller area for you to ... oversee. Is that acceptable?"

“Of course,” Fisher responded with a polite nod. “I’ve not had much of a chance to frequent your club as yet, but I understand the loft is big enough that we’ll not all stand out like sore thumbs?”

Lantz nodded, "Yes, that's correct. If anyone has come in and been seated on the first floor, I'll have them discreetly moved before your main players arrive. I'll put my humaniforms up there, as well, both as servers and as a dinner party. They are acquainted with the woman I believe you are bringing, and have a number of talents. Is there anything else we can do to assist you? What about a dark suit like Reon wears. It might look more like you are in training for management."

“That would be very helpful,” said Fisher nodding himself this time, “There’s not really a reason for a Starfleet Commander to be standing on the door of a jazz club now, is there? Apart from that,” he continued without waiting for her to reply, “I think we’ve covered all the bases. Thank you for your cooperation, Miss Lantz.” He stood and extended a hand.

She stood also and shook his hand. "Always, Commander. This is my only home."


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