Posted on Thu 1st Nov, 2012 @ 9:32pm by Lieutenant JG Sir Edward Lawrence XII Duke of Oaksley
404 words; about a 2 minute read
Location: USS Wain
Timeline: Current
ON :
Sir Edward Lawrence XII Duke of Oaksley, his full formal title from the traditional British aristocracy that he insisted on being addressed as, even though the aristocracy had no real power anymore but traditions die hard some more than others. The Beta shift in Strategic Operations was winding onboard the USS Wain, when over his com badge he heard a female’s voice, =A= Sir Edward Lawrence XII Duke of Oaksley there is a priority message for you from Starfleet command.=A=
=A= Acknowledged I’ll take in the ops center. =A= Lawrence replied coldly as headed for ops center some 20 feet away he sat down at a console and entered his automation code, the Starfleet seal appeared on the screen then disappeared reveal a older many, wearing the pip of a rear admiral, “Good After noon admiral, what can I do for Starfleet command today.” Lawrence said
“You can star packing, Sir Edward, you being reassigned affective immediately as the new Assistant Chief Tactical & Strategic Operations Officer on Star base Protector, I know you been Chief of & Strategic Operations on the Wain this isn’t a demotion but the current Chief Tactical & Strategic Operations Officer on Star base Protector is more experienced and higher ranking, and want our two best people on that Star base especially with diplomatic meetings that are being held on Protector between the Emorites and Caliburnites.” The admiral said.
“I understand sir; I go were I’m needed for the good of the service.” Lawrence replied
“Good man Lawrence the Wain will drop you off at Star base Protector in 48 hours, good luck and Godspeed, Starfleet out.” and with that the mans face faded away and the Starfleet seal reappeared on the screen. With that Lawrence called his assist chief into his office and briefed on what was happing, the young ensign was a capable officer and he had been trained well but now he would to do things on his own with out Lawrence as safety net to fall back on. With that done Lawrence proceeded to quarters to start packing, and studding his new post. This was an unusual step fro step for Starfleet to take, to pull a Chief from post to reassign him as an assistant chief on another post with out it being the result of punitive action. To the best of knowledge Lawrence had not had any such actions taken against him.