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Damion and Elizabeth(s) Plan a Night Out

Posted on Tue 12th Feb, 2019 @ 12:25am by Lieutenant Damion Ildaran & Ensign Elizabeth Brennen & Elizabeth Anderson M.D.

1,160 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Durant Repair Services, Deck 1548
Timeline: MD-3, 1300 hours

In the corridor outside Durant Repair Services, someone squealed with glee--literally squealed--right outside the shop door.

"Oh, my God, I got tickets! Can you believe it? Phantom of the Opera, here I come!"

A hubbub of other voices chimed in. "They're on sale?" "How much?" "Where?" "Aw, that's highway robbery!" "No! So totally worth it! I got orchestra seats!" and so on.

They were all human voices, Damion noticed, so this must be an Earth thing. Oh--well, there was the one Vulcan commenting about the musical merits of the... singing performance? Whatever it was. Damion glanced over at Elizabeth Brennen from where he sat, fine-tuning a civilian-purposed tricorder. "Do you have any idea what they're so excited about?"

She looked up from her work, "Sorry I wasn't listening..." She occasionally still tuned things out when in a safe environment working, she was working on that for her field agent training but she still tended to get focused. Then she heard someone repeat what they were talking about and her eyes widened a little, briefly. "Phantom of the Opera, I love that musical." Then she realized she just overshared and somewhat more subdued said, "It's a 20th century Earth Musical based on a 19th Century novel." Trying to hide the fact she just did her version of a fan squee.

"It's a singing performance based on a book?" Damion asked. "Hm! That sounds interesting. Never been to anything like that before. I mean singing, yes, but not anything formal. If a Vulcan went to it, it was formal." He looked back at Brennen. "You planning to go?"

She looked up from her computer where she was currently checking to see what tickets were left, "Was thinking about it, we don't have to work that night do we?" She said deadpan, keeping one eye on the screen to make sure the seat she wanted was still available.

"There are other repair shops on this station," Damion said with a smile. "Real ones. Let's let them have all the business for an evening." He paused. "I'm thinking of asking my friend Elizabeth to this. Would you like to come with us if she's interested? Or you and a date?"

Brennen shook her head, "As long as I won't be 3rd wheeling." She said unsure what kind of friend this other Elizabeth was and wanting to toe step. "And no, no date." She said it lightly. She hadn't been here long enough to date, what time she did have had been devoted to work. She'd sort it later, for now there was music to enjoy.

Damion chuckled. "My Elizabeth and I won't be necking in the theater or making dewy eyes at each other, I promise. I don't know if you've seen her around. She's Dr. Elizabeth Anderson and runs a counseling practice in the River Village, over the dance studio."

Brennen as a rule avoided counselors and this was a big station so she shook her head. "I may have but no formal introductions, should be fun. Do they dress up here to go to musicals? Back home it was an event." She said, remembering going to London plays fondly. "How do you feel about near the orchestra it's pricy but worth it, running out fast it looks like.." She said earmarking three tickets but not checking out which would hold the seats for 5 minutes.

Damion thought back to the 'James Bond' course he'd taken at the Academy's Intelligence School, whose store of etiquette information was coming in awfully handy, now that he'd begun taking Elizabeth out regularly. "I plan to wear a nice suit," he said. "Let me call her and ask."

He pulled his personal CD* from his pocket and thumbed Elizabeth Anderson's number, which he had on speed-dial. "Elizabeth, it's Damion."

"This is a nice mid-day surprise," she answered. "What's up? Do you need a consult on someone? I do have time after 1500."

Damion chuckled. "I've something in mind much more interesting than work. There's a musical on at the theatre, called Phantom of the Opera. I've never been to it, but Liz Brennen here at the repair shop is interested in going and says it's good. I wondered if you'd like to go."

"Music? Absolutely!" she replied, without even checking her database to see what it was. All she needed to know was that there was music being offered to her, in person music. "When are we going? Does Liz have a date? Want a date? I'll bet this is just the kind of thing Daneel would want to experience."

"Sounds fine to me if it's fine with her," Damion said to Elizabeth. "Liz," he called out, "What night are you reserving tickets for? Elizabeth would like to bring Daneel, if you wouldn't mind. I think you've met him; he's come in here to clean a time or two. For now, I'll take care of those three tickets, and Elizabeth and I can haggle over them later." He returned his attention to the counselor on his CD. "Is that all right with you, Elizabeth?"

"Whatever you decide is fine with me. I'll check up on the musical, so I can be prepared to understand the story line, but I hardly see how we can go wrong. Let me know later what day, and I'll ask Daneel to come. Do you want to come over for dinner first? Either just you, or all of us together?" she asked, checking the clock to see that she had at least 5 minutes left.

"Dinner before sounds good. I'll ask Liz if she'd like to come for dinner, too, and let you know."

"Thanks for asking me, Damion. I've never been to a live musical, and only 2 plays. This will be such a great thing to experience with you," Elizabeth said, hoping the smile came through her tone of voice. "I look forward to hearing more details soon." After she disengaged, she looked at the wall thoughtfully, as she did a quick scan of her databases. Oh, a romance! Well, sort of. I wonder if Damion knows what he's getting into. She was still smiling as she greeted her next client.

Damion slid fingertips over his PADD and finally found the same ticket ordering screen that Brennen had. "Pick your seat, and I'll nab the other three," he said and did so once Brennan pointed to the one she wanted.

Brennen had nodded and chosen the best seat still available and quickly showed him the other three nearby, "Four seats?" she asked a little puzzled.

Damion selected the other three seats that Brennen pointed out to him and reserved them. "For Daneel if he'd like to come. If he's busy that night and no one else wants to join us, I'll just release the third seat." Damion smiled at her. "Well, this sounds like it'll be a lot of fun!"

*Communication Device


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