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Breaking the Surface

Posted on Tue 30th Oct, 2012 @ 3:36am by Commander Paul Graves PsyD

286 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: SB Protector's Infirmary
Timeline: After rescue from the Bretagne

Paul could make no sense of what was happening to him--aside from the fact that his entire body felt sore and vibrating apart with heat, like the hum of warp engines through a floor. He was floating, yet he was a limp, dead weight; he couldn't reconcile the two sensations. He heard voices but could understand no words; meaning flitted away like the wisps of dreams or cotton candy.

He felt a clicking and a snap, and then cold air hit him in the face as his helmet came off. Strange aliens he had never seen before loomed over him, bathed in bright light.

Paul cringed at the cold, shivering uncontrollably all over. He tried to scream but couldn't draw enough breath to do it. His EVA suit felt leaden.

"No! Put m'helmet back on! You'll die! You'll die!"

His warning was unintelligible, even to his own ears; his tongue seemed to trip all over itself and get tangled with his teeth. One of the aliens dabbed a cool cloth at his sweaty face.

Paul jerked away and screamed. "No! Get away from me!"

They were dismayed. He could feel their dismay, and fury consumed him that they didn't feel the terror he felt, didn't realize their own imminent deaths. "Don't you understand? You're all dead!"

"Shit! Projective empath--Knock him out NOW!"

"Stay away! Don't touch me!" Paul snarled.

And then he felt the hiss and pressure against his neck. He tried to launch himself upward from the floor--or from whatever he lay on, but suddenly, he felt dizzy beyond words and couldn't force his body to obey

Then everything went black.

Lt.(jg Paul Graves
Chief Counselor
SB Protector


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