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Code Blue

Posted on Sun 4th Nov, 2012 @ 12:50am by Lieutenant Adam Keller & Commander Brian Windsong & Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar & Lieutenant Colonel Cara Karikkar & Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Samantha O'Dell

1,712 words; about a 9 minute read

Location: Sick Bay
Timeline: Current

When the team arrived, Nyx went straight to work. She complained about reckless behavior as she scanned each of the patients. She made sure as she scanned Devynn that she mumbled loud enough for him to hear.

"I don't get the Klingon mentality. So you just keep going until you can't get up? That's Klingon thinking? Stupid, foolish, prideful..."

Devyn laughed weakly as it hurt immensely to use the muscles needed for the chuckle. He never took Nyx seriously when she was on one of her rants especially when it was about him. He did take her feelings seriously though and he caught her hand. "Honey, I'm fine." He looked in her eyes to see if he had convinced her. He could tell she had been worried. He repeated himself. "I'm fine." He kissed her knuckle.

Pulling her hand away, she glared at him. "I have patients to tend to. Don't you move." She pulled a tissue regenerator across his abdomen and set it to mend his wounds before heading to the other patients who were being treated by other medical officers.

"Lieutenant," Her voice softened. "I need to scan you for injuries as well." She wouldn't judge someone she didn't know. It didn't mean she didn't think the Lieutenant wasn't foolish but she didn't know her well enough to judge.

Samantha had a few cuts and scrapes nothing absolutely horrific, there was a deeper laceration on her side, from the close call with Kale, it was bleeding through her uniform. "I've been better," she admitted with a chuckle she pulled her hand away from her ribs to offer up the bloody uniform and the gasp for the doctor to have a look see. "I think Kale'd have gotten more of me hadn't the transporter taken effect."

"Let's get you on a bio bed over here. I'll get a regenerator on you as well." She offered the woman assistance to the bed so she could pull the regenerator over her. "You'll be fine in a couple of hours." She shook her head. "I'll never understand why you security people think it's okay for your bodies to be beat up like this." Although her tone was softer, she was scolding the woman right along with Devyn and Cara.

Samantha smirked as she took the help the doctor was offering. "Maybe it's some deeply rooted self loathing that makes us feel we deserve it..." She offered. "Or the idea that maybe if we take the beating others won't have to." She glanced at Brian on the bio bed... clearly it was a flawed mentality especially in this case. She wasn't being cynical or sarcastic it was actually the way she thought about herself. These was a bit of self hatred in her, there were things about herself she really didn't like and well it was a heroic idiotic theory but she thought if she put herself in harms way often enough someone else wouldn't have to deal with it. "I appreciate the help though." Sam admitted. "This would have been worse hadn't ya'll beamed me back."

"Well at least your excuse sounds plausible." She shook her head. "Rest now." She activated the regenerator. "This won't take long and you'll feel a lot better. Most of your wounds are superficial and there was no damage to any vital organs."

Samantha smirked and laid back letting the doctors equipment do it's magic. "Yes, ma'am."

Brian was different. He'd been kidnapped and beaten. She couldn't be angry with him as he wasn't given a choice. "How are you feeling sir?" She asked as she scanned him with her tricorder. "You've been beaten quite badly." She looked at the woman standing next to him. "I'm going to try and repair the damage without invasive surgery but there's a lot of internal hemorrhaging." She explained. The man was already being given oxygen for the pneumothorax he'd obviously suffered and his breathing was already less labored. Nyx was more concerned with the internal hemorrhaging from his spleen and hoped no other organs were damaged.

He managed a small grin, though it came with much effort, "I've been better. I'm trying to control the pain though meditation but he didn't just screw with my body, he screwed with my mind as well. I have a punctured lung I am pretty sure.

And I am sorry I snapped at you down there. You were just doing your job."

"Don't worry about that." She smiled at her patient. "The pneumothorax should repair itself. I'm going to give it a little help but you're spleen has been damaged and you're bleeding into your abdominal cavity. I'm going to give you 5ccs of Kayolane to put you out so I can get that bleeding stopped and repair the damage." She reached for the hypospray and the vial. "You should feel somewhat better when you wake up."

She watched as the man drifted off to sleep quickly.

"I want him prepped and ready for surgery in ten minutes." She barked the orders at the two techs who nodded and quickly went to work.

Cara made a face at Dev "Is Nyx always this scary?"

He raised an eye brow and grinned. "Worse."

She grinned back at him "Remind me to be more careful next time ..." She sent quietly ~Does Nyx know about my ... anomalies?~

~I would never tell anyone, even Nyx about you without your permission.~ Kell assured her.

~I know you wouldnt hun ...~ she smiled at him mentally ~I think we should tell her. She's going to wonder how he survived when she sees how bad it is anyway.~

"If you two are done discussing whatever it is you're discussing, I need Devyn to be resting." She was still growling at them. "And I'll need to examine you as well...let's see what you've done to yourselves." She now had a few minutes for the lesser injured of the group. She was also aware that Major Karikkar would need to know that the diplomatic officer had been found and what condition he was in. It wasn't a conversation she was looking forward to.

Tapping her badge she called for the man. Her animosity toward him forgotten for the moment because her duty came first. =^=Major Karikkar to Sick bay please.=^=

Cara sat sheepishly on the bed "Yes ma'am." Squirming slghtly under the glare she sent to Dev ~Remind me not to get on her bad side?~

=A=I am on my way.=A= Tallus stated over the CONN. He double timed it to Sick Bay. Once he arrived he saw what was happening. "Report."

"Well as you can see we've found your diplomatic officer but he's in no shape for any talks today. I'm having him prepped for surgery now." She looked over at the other two bio beds. "Those two will be fine in a couple of hours."

Raising an eyebrow Cara was about to complain at that but stopped when she saw Nyx's look.

"Good. I trust that everything will be taken care of." Tallus said turning to Nyx. "Lieutenant Adanyxia, once surgery is done you are to report directly to me." Tallus said nodding as he headed back to the delegation.

~Pompous, arrogant...~

"NYX!" Dev stopped her thoughts. "The man is telepathic if you recall."

"I know." She gave a smug grin.

Tallus nodded to himself. It was just the way that he knew things were going to go.

Cara hid a laugh behind a hand ~She's a handful Tallus, but a damn good doctor.~

~That is what I find most intriguing about her Major. And concerning at the same time.~ Tallus responded smiling to himself.

She nodded mentally with a smile herself ~Call me Cara Tallus ... most everyone I work with does. Your life will not be boring teaching her.~

~I am a Marine Cara. Life is never boring. I have high hopes that she will one day have the luxury of controlling herself.~ Tallus said nodding. ~And you life will not be boring due to the fact that she has to talk to someone.~

Chuckling Cara nodded ~True.~

"I don't know why you're hanging around my patient Major but I should remind you that in my sick bay, rank holds no sway...Major or not, I'm the boss in here and what I say goes." She stood all five foot of her, hands on hips as defiant as she could. "Now unless you're in need of an emergency vasectomy because your brain is in a knot, I'll ask you to leave so I can take care of my patients."

Kell could tell that Nyx was about to have a full blown tantrum if something wasn't done. He knew how much she hated telepathic discussions and almost always assumed (rightfully or otherwise) that they were about her. "I'd take that as my cue to leave Major." He was warning the man and picking on Nyx. "When she starts stomping her feet and clenching her fists like that; there's no telling what might happen." He winked at Cara. "She may even hold her breath."

Nyx had picked up a second hypo. Glaring at Kell but not saying a word, she was done with this. She had to take care of her patients and get into surgery. They'd have Brian prepped by now. "This is a neurostimulator, it'll help with the weakness and headache from the exertion on your paracortex." She almost glared at the woman. "It might also make you a little should shut up and rest now."

Nodding Cara said "Wake me when Bri comes out of surgery? Please?"

"He's going to be fine." She softened. "You get your rest. Your paracortex is extremely overstimulated."

Sleepily Cara nodded on a yawn "Ok Nyx ... And I had to ... " She dropped into a sleep without finishing the thought.

A quick look at Tallus and she left. "I'll be with you in about two hours Major." She looked at the four patients. "Everyone should be feeling better by then."

"Indeed." Tallus said departing.

Lt. Commander Brian Windsong
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Lt. Samantha O'Dell
Assistant Security Officer

MAJ Tallus Karikkar
Marine Commanding Officer

Lt Nyx

Lt Cmdr Devyn Kell
Chief of Security

Major Cara Treia


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