Pedal To The Metal
Posted on Tue 23rd Oct, 2012 @ 11:54pm by
375 words; about a 2 minute read
Location: Docking Bay 09 - USS Renown
Timeline: Boarding + 29 Hours
Winchester burst onto the Bridge of the Renown like a bat out of Hell. He had quickly dismissed any loitering work crews that were hanging around in the outer bay. If they crew compliment hadn't boarded by now, they would have to leave without them.
"Helm - status" He kept his orders short and brief.
"Sir, we're at just over sixty percent of operational efficiency. Impulse engines are at one hundred percent with warp drive at seventy percent. With regards to weapons systems, only phasers operational. Shields are operating at seventy percent and our cloaking device is offline." The response came immediately and by the book from an older looking, Andorian female from the front of the Bridge.
"Very well, prepare for disembarkation" Winchester replied.
The Andorian started expertly tapping her console to disengage the docking clamps, power up the impulse and thruster engines and open a channel to Ops for final flight clearance.
"Sir... this is a very bad idea" A voice spoke up from Winchester's right hand side. It was that of a middle aged male, who looked and spoke like a human. He wore the rank of a full Lieutenant and the colours and attitude of an engineer.
"This ship is quite literally brand new and hasn't even had a chance to have her spaceframe tested yet... let alone any other systems. I would strongly advise against taking her out without more tests... let alone on any sort of mission. We risk causing critical damage to the vessel." His face was strewn with concern.
"Lieutenant, there are Starfleet Officers in danger and, like it or not, this ship is their best chance of survival. Truth be told I don't care if we cause so much damage to this ship that she has to get taken away for scrap... ships can be replaced". He spoke with experience and defiance in his voice... almost willing the Engineering officer to argue with him. Apparently he was more clever than that.
"Aye sir" was the only reply before turning back to his console.
The Andorian piped up again, "Sir, Ops has given us final clearance".
"Very good... take us out of here. Once clear of Protector set a course for the Bretagne... maximum warp".