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Game for a Little Game, Part 2

Posted on Tue 28th Aug, 2018 @ 7:10pm by Carlo Rienzi

1,102 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Deck 1553, Hunt's Fortune
Timeline: MD 15, 1845

Carlo and Reon stood for a moment outside the entrance of Hunt's Fortune. Reon, apparently finished talking about his family history, asked, "Did you ever see anything quite like this? It reminds me of a state fair - I think I even saw a clown disappear behind a tent over there."

"Eh, Pride Day in Manhattan, maybe," Carlo said. "Or the St. Patrick's Day parade. Only the people here are a lot better dressed. So you come from Texas? Cool! We can argue about barbecue sometime."

"Barbecue? I don't think so! Hatch vs. jalepeƱo, maybe," Velasquez laughed. "Let's head in and see what all the excitement is about. I didn't forget you might faint from hunger if we keep talking about food, and you don't get any, either."

"Yeah, too bad they don't let you eat a sandwich at the craps table," Carlo said. "You got a favorite game?"

Velasquez shook his head. "Not really. I'm not much of a gambler - not unless it's a sure thing - and what ever is? And, yeah, I know, certainty means it isn't gambling," he grinned. "I figure if I come with a few slips of latinum and leave with almost the same, I've done well. Some of the dabo girls are nice to watch, too."

"Me, neither," Carlo said. "I've been to Atlantic City a couple of times with friends back home, One time, we went in drag on a dare." He looked embarrassed for a moment and then laughed at himself. "I look horrible in drag! Will never do that again!"

Reon raised an eyebrow, but passed on the opportunity to ask for details. "Good to know," he smiled. "Less competition for the ladies of dabo." They entered through the massive floral display around the front doors, and walked to the top of the steps to stand and get a feeling for the place.

Reon whistled low, "Now that's what I call a casino!" he exclaimed. He spied a discreet sign reading, "Buffet", and pointing toward a passage way on the left. "Here we go. Food first."

"What, never gamble on an empty stomach?" Carlo asked as he walked with Reon toward the food. His eyes widened. "And that is what I call a spread! I may have to come here for lunch every once in a while. Cripes, Reon, they even have a churrascaria!"

Reon smiled at Carlo's enthusiasm. "I guess you get some kind of barbecue anyway, if that's what you want. It smells pretty good to me, but let's not be too hasty. There are a lot of things to try, and even at only one tablespoon each, I'm thinking there's going to be no room for dessert!"

"Au contraire--You make room for dessert," Carlo said with a grin as they got into line and explored the buffet.

An hour and several plates of food later, the two were giving happy sighs and looking at each other over a table cluttered with empty plates, used silverware, and haphazardly folded napkins. Carlo leaned back in his seat and sipped on a glass of iced water. "That was a good cherry pie," he said. "The scary thing is, we've been inside a casino for an hour and haven't even gambled yet--except with our cholesterol. I'm not even sure if I care if we gamble!"

Reon stretched his legs out under the table as he leaned back, too. He viewed the mess on the table and grinned. "I heard that after they eat small animals, constrictors hang over tree branches for a few days to digest them. I think I need to go find a tree! My only regret is that I can't eat another bite. That means the only thing left to do is find a game. Whether it's a gamble or not remains to be seen, but I don't think I'm in the mood for anything serious or that takes a lot of thinking. Maybe something that is as close to pure luck as we're going to find here. Roulette, possibly?"

Carlo laughed. "It does have a nice table we can lean against! And with all the food we've eaten, we can enjoy a free cocktail or two and not be affected much."

"Sounds good ... in a minute. I have realized, this very minute, how seldom I sit and do nothing much. You're one of my few friends, and you know how rare it is for us to get out for an evening. I think I'm doing something wrong, and I need to fix it." He grinned at Carlo. "Any suggestions, or do I need to consult the robot experts?"

"Doing something wrong?" Carlo thought a moment. "You seem perfectly fine to--oh, now wait a minute. I do see what you're getting at." He cleared his throat. "Ah, do you like women?" At Reon's startled look, Carlo hurried on. "I think you do--which is why I haven't tried to jump your bones already. That woman in front of me in line at O&J?--She was totally into you, buddy. I think she'd have invited you to join her at that loft table if you hadn't been on duty."

Reon wasn't sure how he felt about Carlo's admission, but it did confirm something he'd wondered. "Women in general, yes I like them," he said, after a moment's thought. "I don't mention it often, but I was married once. Maria Elena," he trilled the r expertly. "She was, to wax sickeningly poetic, my sun and moon and stars. I couldn't imagine life without her, and when we married, it wasn't a contract, it was an old-fashioned love match." He fell silent, not comfortable talking about his wife.

Carlo's eyes widened. He flicked a glance at Reon and had the distinct impression that he shouldn't give in to his instant impulse and ask, "So what happened?" Instead, he paused a moment and said, "I'm sorry you lost her. Was that before you met Jade or after?"

"After. I was only 15 when I ran across Jade ... but I looked older, and she never asked. When you're six feet tall, people make assumptions. She didn't hold it against me later, when she found out, though," he grinned. "Hey, for all I know, she did know the whole time. With Jade, it's hard to tell. She was really the one who helped me get through Maria Elena's death, and I will never be able to repay her for that."

Reon slapped the table with his hands. "Hey, how'd we get so gloomy? Let's go make some money!"


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