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Oh that charm!

Posted on Tue 14th Aug, 2018 @ 8:20am by Eddie Hunt

501 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Deck 1553: Hunt's Fortune
Timeline: MD13 2210 Hours

Cheya had been at the opening night a few hours now with Serena Alia, whom she had bumped into earlier that night. It had been an unexpected surprise and the two of them had got on much better than she thought she ever could with someone in the first week. She had left her at the roulette table so she could spend a penny. After telling her not to spend all her money by the time she got back, she left to find the toilets that were dotted around the place.

The casino was still heaving after being open for a few hours and trying to avoid people in the walkways was a bit of a mission, however finding a space on the various games wasn't too difficult due to the array of them they had. Eddie, still doing the rounds, managed to spot another familiar face in the crowd. "Cheya!" He called out. Cheya glanced up and noticed the casino owner in his tux. "Eddie wasn't it?" She asked.

"That's right, I'm glad you made it. What do you think?" He asked.

"In all honesty....rubbish!" She laughed and watched his face before he joined in.

"I thought you was being truthful for a minute there!"

"Maybe I was!" She smiled. "No, it's a really wonderful place Eddie. You've certainly made it into a place people want to go to. Well, me anyhow. I've been here a week so there might be better places to go."

"You certainly have a charm don't you," Eddie said sarcastically.

"I do try. Anyway, did I see you hanging out with the head of Disney Interstellar earlier?" She changed the subject.

"You must have yes, how did you know who she is?" He questioned.

"Oh I done my research before coming aboard. I'm very thorough Eddie. You looked very cosy with her," She said it as a statement rather than a question.

"Only the second time I've met her, but she does have a certain charm about her."

Cheya raised her eyebrow, "Meeting people in high places eh? You'll be meeting the Captain before you know it."

Eddie laughed, "Might have already met the brass for all you know."

"Hmm, no, I don't think you have yet. I can tell these things," Cheya smiled.

"Is that so? I have met some of the senior staff though, some of which are dotted around today."

"More than I've met!" Cheya exclaimed. "The head of my department seems to disappear before I meet her all the time!"

"Can't blame her!" Eddie joked before receiving a slap on the arm from Cheya.

"Enough of the jokes already," Cheya said, pulling a fake sad look. "Anyway, I must dash, I really need to use the loo. Basically, I don't want to talk to you anymore," She joked.

"There's that charm again! Alright! Hopefully I will see you around Cheya," Eddie smiled.

"I'm sure you will Mr Hunt!" She said, before walking in a half jog to find the toilets.


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Comments (1)

By on Sun 19th Aug, 2018 @ 1:37am

Oh, nice bits of sarcasm there, and good interactions. Just a little rude fun. =)