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The Grand Opening

Posted on Sat 4th Aug, 2018 @ 6:49am by Eddie Hunt

675 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Deck 1553: Hunt's Fortune
Timeline: MD13 1800 Hours

The time had finally come, the Grand Opening was upon Eddie Hunt. A year ago he couldn't have imagined his Starfleet career being put on leave due to the deaths in his family and him opening a casino on a base where his brother used to be Executive Officer. Now he was standing next to the doors of that casino, renovated, renamed and changed ready for it's first day of life. Everything had gone smoothly so far and the crowd had been there for around an hour. He was amazed to see how many people there were, he was just glad the casino was big enough for all of them to fit. Hopefully with the amount of stalls and events he had put on outside the casino they wouldn't all come bumbling in at once.

The opening was very cliché. There was a red ribbon across the opening, and a host had been hired to keep the crowd preoccupied before Eddie cut the ribbon. Then the casino was officially open! Eddie had to arrange more security as well for the next two nights, although he had contracted his own security team, it wasn't enough for the amount of people expected. He had pulled a few strings and managed to get some of the Starfleet security to help out as well.

The host was in front of the ribbon, her dress matching the red from it. She was glamorous enough to be the host, and was doing a wonderful job. Eddie hadn't been listening to a lot she had been saying, just kept looking at the crowd. There were a few familiar faces to him, but he still had met a very small amount of people in comparison to the base. He couldn't wait to meet more and mingle with some of the people coming in.

"And without further ado, it is coming up to 6 O'Clock. And you know what that means. The casino is about to open soon!"

The crowd cheered as the woman spoke. "Can I invite Mr Eddie Hunt up here" She glanced at Eddie and turned away as he walked towards her. "For those that don't know, Mr Hunt is the new owner of the casino. He has completely renovated it and changed it to give you an experience. If you've never been to a casino, then expect to be 'wow'ed. If you have, then expect to be 'wow'ed again." She said it in such a way that some of the crowd laughed.

Eddie reached her and nodded as she passed the mic onto him. "Hello everyone! I'm not too good with words, so I'm going to leave it short and sweet. Thank you all for coming and this tremendous turnout. I hope you like the new casino and what I've done with the place. If you want to speak to me or have any questions, then you'll find me in the casino. Time to open this joint up!" He exclaimed to more cheers.

The female host passed Eddie some enormously comical pair of scissors. "I now pronounce this casino open!" He cut the ribbon and there were even more cheers this time. He walked away as the ribbon got cleared away. Two of his security team were now on queue duties, ensuring that entering was as easy as possible, with a further two on the door checking if people were old enough to gamble.

He noticed that some of the queue had disbanded into some of the stalls that were set up. He had spoken to some market traders and told them about the event and that they were more than welcome to set up for the evening for a certain split. He had also arranged some cheesy circus games to come as well, things such as ring toss, slam dunk, duck pond and many more. The outside was thriving, just as much as the inside was about to. He hoped the event would be spoken about for some time and live on in memory.


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