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Love Triangles and Multiple Personalities, Oh, My!

Posted on Wed 7th Aug, 2019 @ 10:33pm by Commander Paul Graves PsyD

588 words; about a 3 minute read

I want to write about the other night with Mikaela, but I haven't, because I feel odd writing about it. How can I feel like a voyeur of my own love life? That doesn't even make sense. And yet it does. The fact that her ex is now assigned to this station and seems likely to stay is awkward. More about him in a locked entry.

I think I'm afraid that, if I write about my feelings for Mikaela I will start to analyze them, and I don't want to analyze them. Yes, that's what it is. I want my love life to stay behind closed doors, even in my personal log. Especially in my personal log.

Still, I have to say, she looks fantastic in a black evening dress--and even better out of it.

Other happenings:

* I took an entire day off from other duties to act as an observer with Intelligence and Security staff during a person-of-interest interview. The interview went off-script very early on when the accused manifested dissociative identity disorder, introducing us to no less than four personalities within a couple of hours. I will discuss this in far more detail in a Chief Counselor's report.

* I've met a ghost!--though Chlamydia swears the woman can't be a ghost, and her sister Purulence thinks she's an astral projection. I don't know what to call her, so 'ghost' will do. The lady's name is Victoria Briggs, and she is the dead wife of one Lt. Dallas Briggs, who recently transferred to our station. Briggs is the only person who can see or hear her, but I can certainly sense her presence and am aware of her emotions. She's a delightful woman but very frustrated at being unable to communicate.

I don't know what to make of her; I've never experienced anything like this and can't think why it would happen. She and Lt. Briggs do not seem out of the ordinary, even for a couple who love each other, so why does Victoria still linger? Anyway, things became even stranger when Victoria appeared in my office today. She's able to manipulate the physical world to a limited degree, but it seems to require extreme emotion and focus from her that I don't think she could sustain beyond simple yes and no answers.

Her appearance in my office today without her husband struck me as odd. When I asked the computer his whereabouts, the computer told me Briggs was undergoing surgery. I exercised Chief Counselor's override, since Victoria couldn't communicate with me in an efficient way. Briggs turned out to have been stabbed. That's rather startling for someone who has been on-station for less than a week. Victoria tried to show me images of the attacker, which I just couldn't perceive clearly enough to be useful--but I hit on the idea of talking to Chlamydia's sister Purulence, who drew an image of the murder victim from the seance a couple of years ago. I figured it was worth a try to see if she could somehow receive information from Victoria and get an image that way.

Well, she succeeded. Whoever the attacker is, he's malevolent. Purulence is good at conveying personality through her portraits. Even knowing that, I didn't expect her to create as complete and vivid a portrait as she did. So I took it to Security. The lieutenant who took it from me barely blinked an eye--and she had eight.

I hope they catch that guy.

More to come in HIP-secured entries.


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Comments (1)

By on Sat 10th Aug, 2019 @ 1:06am

"And she had eight" Oh, my gosh, that's a great line! This is a super summary of a lot of things - well done!