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Damion Ildaran: Personal Log, 9306.02

Posted on Sun 3rd Jun, 2018 @ 11:44pm by Lieutenant Damion Ildaran

449 words; about a 2 minute read

I am not sure what's going on in Jade Lantz' head, save that she recognized me earlier today but kept quiet about it. Not without being cheeky, mind! Very strange, this "I know that you know that I know that you know" business. Never had to deal with it in any of my previous infiltration missions because I wasn't known in any of those places. I'm very little known here, but I have met a few of the staff. I hope we can find this mysterious transmission sender soon so I can get back to my normal life, for at least a few days.

Meaning, having taken Elizabeth out once, I would dearly like to do it again. Not being able to see her or directly talk to her is driving me nutters.

Speaking of her, though, once I meet Jade Lantz' cleaning crew, I intend to suggest they seek Elizabeth out--not as patients, for I don't know that they have anything to pay her with. I hope, though, that they might befriend her or she them and be able to talk with each other that way. If all they've been doing all day is watching holovision shows, I can well imagine that they will need help learning to socialize, and I can't help them as much as I'd like, because I have to be working.

With regard to the work, I spent much of today conducting a detailed scan of deck 1549. I got about a quarter of it done. So far, nothing out of the ordinary has shown up on scans. I'll need more receivers if I'm to cover ten whole decks continuously. I hope that one AWACS signal reception wasn't a fluke. Much will depend on whether the sender knows those old Romulan vessels were destroyed. If he doesn't know, he'll try to signal them again. Otherwise--not.

Customers--That Morva in the Slug & Grub is a corker. Her husband, Trav, is the nicest sort. You'd never believe a Ferengi could be so pleasant. It astounds me that Morva is so determined to make a go of her business, and her husband is just serene about it all. I have to wonder if he is employing the 15th Rule: "Acting stupid is often smart." Their nephew, Gar--now there's a bloke who'd rather be anywhere other than where he is. He clearly loves his aunt and uncle, though, even if he's gruff about it. I think he suffers from not applying the sixth Rule of Acquisition: "Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity." On the other hand, a sensible person will do a lot of crazy things for the sake of love and never mind the cost.


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Comments (1)

By on Wed 6th Jun, 2018 @ 1:50am

I love writing half of these two characters. There are times when they seem more real than my actual PC. I have to laugh because Damion being undercover is sort of like an NPC having an NPC! I think one reason it is so engaging to read these two is that they touch on things a lot of human beings experience, even though they are far from the normal human beings.