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Situation Report #1

Posted on Thu 31st May, 2018 @ 11:44pm by Lieutenant Damion Ildaran
Edited on Wed 6th Jun, 2018 @ 6:52pm

230 words; about a 1 minute read

Sent to Lt. Jacen Miller, encrypted.

The situation to date
Stardate: 9405.31
Summary of overall situation to date
Arrived at Starbase 109 from Starbase 10 on 9405.26. Began prep work needed to implement Project Spider and set up continuous monitoring for outbound anomalous signal from SB-109.

Actions to date

* Lodgings secured, deck 150, Pod 46-B
* Sold dysfunctional runabout to recommended parts dealer. Funds transferred to expense account.
* Created business plan and researched site for Project Spider.
* Applied to Promenade Chamber of Commerce for license to operate small business.
* Application accepted. Met with CoC. Discussed needs and plans for build-out. Business license obtained.
* Set up website and began advertising on task boards.
* Cursory reconnaissance of Tivoli Gardens and environs (three decks above and below). Aside from expected comms signal noise, no outgoing signals detected.
* Secured first customer--Morva of Slug and Grub. Observant; might make a good asset.

Actions to be completed

* Monitor site cleaning and build-out.
* Systematic reconnaissance of deck 1549.
* Placement of advertising in Tivoli Gardens.
* Continued monitoring of outgoing communications on bandwidth noted by AWACS.

Actions to be Completed by next SitRep

* Cleaning of Project Spider site to be completed.
* Internal framework, electricity, and soundproofing nearing completion or completed.
* Assessment of deck 1549 and report to be completed.
* Continue to grow business by ads and word of mouth.

* Diffuse damaged wiring--related to 'goo?' No goo found, just damage.
* Will need to 'hire' an accountant.


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Comments (1)

By on Wed 6th Jun, 2018 @ 1:53am

Project Spider - I love it!