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Darkest Moments

Posted on Thu 2nd Nov, 2017 @ 12:03pm by Colonel Horatio Drake

300 words; about a 2 minute read

The name Bretagne will not be remembered in history as synonymous to the likes of the Titanic or the Hindenburg, but a disaster of the same magnitude transpired on that ill-fated ship. After our rescue, the ship was brought back to Vanguard. Medical teams have now completed the removal of the bodies and are in the process of returning them to their home worlds, this should bring at least some solace and closure to any families they left behind. The ship itself was sealed and returned to Earth for a full investigation of the deadly pathogen. Be this the case, I can almost still feel the ghostly presence of the ship in and around me in everything I do.

Commander Hunt suffered more than I did with his exposure to the pathogen. He has received a medical discharge from Starfleet and has returned from Earth. Over a hundred years later and the Bretagne has not finished taking casualties for herself. For me, I can't tell whether the ordeal has mentally scarred me or I am just suffering the after effects of the pathogen but I can't stop thinking about what happened on the ship. An entire crew, turning against each other, mutiny and death running rampant throughout the corridors. Despite everything Starfleet has put me through, all the conflicts I have been involved in, this was the most terrifying to me. There was a complete lack of humanity on the ship, almost an evil presence that was tangible and demonstrable. I have decided to book an appointment with Lieutenant Commander Graves to discuss this issue, after I receive a clean bill of health from Commander Addams. Whether medical or psychological, something need stop these thoughts that are invading my every waking moment.


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