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The Bretagne

Posted on Wed 22nd Aug, 2012 @ 12:23am by Colonel Horatio Drake

156 words; about a 1 minute read

Set just before disembarkation

Captain's Personal Log - Stadate 64952.9

Two hours ago we detected an Excelsior Class Vessel, Registry Number NCC-Nine-Zero-Nine-One-Two, Identified as the USS Bretagne, emerge from the Typhon Expanse. According to Starfleet records the ship was recorded as "Lost" back in 2266. The ship was presumed to be on its way back to Starbase 77 for a major refit - she never made it.

Lieutenant Graves and myself are about to embark on an Away Mission to dock with the ship and find out what happened. I think a good mystery is exactly what I need at the moment to take my mind off things. The Diplomatic Envoy will be arriving within a matter of hours, it's important that we get off the station before this happens. I have every faith that Lieutenant Commander Windsong will be able to run the negotiations. In a strange way I hope to view this as a sort of holiday.


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