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Session Notes - Jasmine C.

Posted on Tue 22nd Nov, 2016 @ 3:22am by Commander Paul Graves PsyD
Edited on Sun 8th Mar, 2020 @ 10:58pm

307 words; about a 2 minute read

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Today I met with Lt. Jasmine Collins, Chief Science Officer of Starbase Vanguard. She presented with a history of childhood-onset ochlophobia and clinical xenophobia--fear of people who are unfamiliar to her, rather than the colloquial use of the word, which denotes bigotry. I also suspect post-traumatic stress disorder, given her statement to me that even people who are familiar to her provoke a xenophobic reaction, but I will reserve judgment on that until I know her better. Still, her declaration that "Every date is a first date" to her speaks of something in her past that disturbed her deeply.

Lt. Collins' 'every date' comment is consistent with what I sensed from her when she arrived.

I could try a variety of therapies, including acupressure, desensitization, holodeck modeling, and hypnosis--possibly a combination of them. I don't think mere conversation will suffice in this case, and I feel wary of flooding desensitization; it could blow up in our faces, given the likelihood of PTSD. I think counter-conditioning and establishing an anxiety hierarchy, with systematic desensitization, is likely to produce the best results.

I definitely want to get Lt. Collins into a holodeck simulation (or several) and see how she responds. I want to know if she fears merely the sight and feel of a crowd around her or if she is also reacting to telepathic or empathic input. She says she is nearly psi-null, but I want to test that. If she is actually over-shielding, that could be indicative of having sensed something in the past that frightened her. I would think, though, that testing on Betazed would have diagnosed over-shielding. I will need to get her records from there.

I will certify her as needing a service animal for purposes of helping her to remain calm in crowds and among people in general.


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