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Staff Meeting, My Office, Mission Prep

Posted on Tue 4th Oct, 2016 @ 5:15pm by Commander Paul Graves PsyD
Edited on Thu 27th Oct, 2016 @ 4:02am

386 words; about a 2 minute read

Date: Mission #1, MD-1

I have to say, at least the staff meetings are exciting on this starbase. Next time, I shall have to bring popcorn.

I am writing this missive from my quarters, as the office assigned to me, while otherwise clean and in mostly good order, contains an aquarium that has not been cared for in at least twenty years, and the O2 scrubbers are not quite sufficient to remove the scent of mold. I hope the previous owner removed the fish before leaving the station, but it's impossible to tell. The water is a horrid, nearly opaque gray, and tendrils of some dark form of moldy life cover the interior of the glass and form a scum across the surface of the water. The lighting for the tank doesn't work anymore; I had to use a flashlight to look into it. I personally think Maintenance should just beam it into deep space at the widest angle of dispersion. If it has to be taken apart and drained instead, it is going to smell foul. I've never owned fish, and I have no idea how to drain this thing properly, or if that would even be possible, given how contaminated the water is.

I am certain we aren't paying the Maintenance people on this starbase nearly enough.

Aside from the dead aquarium I like my office; it's small, neat, and devoid of unnecessary decoration--just a desk, two chairs, seating for group counseling, some shelving, and a storage cabinet. I'll hang a couple of paintings once the aquarium is gone, and it should be fine. It's even got a color scheme. I'm not sure rust-colored carpeting is exactly what I would have picked, but it goes surprisingly well with the beige walls and gives the office a warm feel, which I prefer to the sterile blue and gray look that I see so often in Federation decor.

No patients, as yet. I am using a smaller office until mine can be thoroughly cleaned. Since the staff meeting, I've been dividing my time between reading what I could about the current mission and studying personnel files, so I'll have an idea of what sort of people I will be working with on the Warspite.

More later. I need to reschedule my meeting with Dr. Addams.


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Comments (1)

By Commander Zachary Hunt on Thu 6th Oct, 2016 @ 5:30pm

Very enjoyable log!