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Job Transfer?

Posted on Mon 1st Feb, 2021 @ 6:08am by Lieutenant Damion Ildaran

365 words; about a 2 minute read

I just received an interesting offer this afternoon. Seems Starfleet CIS wants to recruit me. Me, a bloke from Turkana City. Part of me still cannot stop laughing about that at odd moments. Me, in law enforcement. My friends back home would laugh their fool heads off if they knew.

Still, I'm considering it. I really want to see this Dobbs case through. Now that we know for certain Dobbs is involved, we have to turn the case over to SCIS. Nothing says that I would actually be assigned to work the Dobbs case if I transferred, but at least I could keep abreast of it. As I told Ms. Pantoufle, the Dobbs affair isn't the only problem out there.

I'll need to talk with Grax about what's to become of the repair shop. Do we keep it or shut it down, as it's served its initial purpose, which was finding the source of the signal transmitter? I can make arguments either way. We've been able to funnel information to Security, which has allowed them to make several arrests. On the other hand, manning the place takes Intelligence staff away from arguably more important duties--duties involving, say, the Klingons and Romulans and other folk in nearby space. So we'll see. Indeed, Grax might decide to shut the shop down even if I stay.

I would be sad to see it shut down, as I've grown rather fond of the place, but one has to see sense and know when to let things go.

The Addams parents and grandmother have left for Earth, taking Zelda with them. I am thankful beyond words that she is going somewhere safe. Having met Mr. Addams, if only briefly, I think he and his family will keep any untoward people away from her and let her work out who she is and wants to be in peace.

I'm going to miss that grandmother--Dawn, I think she said her name was. As they might say in Scotland, she's a right corker! I hope I get to meet her again. Until then, I'm off to bed.

I think I'll talk over this possible transfer with Elizabeth, see what she thinks of it.


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