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Remaining Mystery

Posted on Wed 31st Oct, 2012 @ 3:32pm by Colonel Horatio Drake

241 words; about a 1 minute read

Captain's Personal Log - Stardate 85763.2

It's been three hours since I was released from the Infirmary by Dr. Nyx. I suffered fairly major oxygen deprivation, but virtually all symptoms have now passed. It looks as thought Sergeant Winchester got there just in the nick of time... any longer and we would have been goners.

As much as what took place on the Bretagne between myself and Lieutenant Graves troubles me, it can indeed be explained. Dr. Nyx examined our EVA suits and confirmed that they were laced in a bacteria type parasite that's goal was not to use you to preserve itself but to alter your mind in order to destroy itself. The opposite of what a parasite actually is.

The bacteria altered your state of thinking to become extremely paranoid and to even start hallucinating. To such a point that you considered everyone and everything around you an enemy.

What troubles me even more is how this bacteria got onto the Bretagne itself in the first place? How did the Excelsior Class ship travel halfway across the Alpha Quadrant without being seen? And where has it been for the past eighty years, or so? All of these questions are going to remain unanswered as the ship has drifted back into the expanse. Will it ever be seen again? I don't honestly know. I just hope that if anyone discovers it again, they don't make the same mistake that we did.


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