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Personal Log SD 70722.8

Posted on Sat 21st Sep, 2019 @ 10:21pm by

381 words; about a 2 minute read

I'm amazed to find myself on the expedition I've been dreaming about. We're actually on our way to get a close up of the nearby planet, Nāmaka (Nā-maka-o-Kahaʻi, the eyes of Kahaʻi), named after a mythical Hawaiian sea goddess or water sprite from Earth. Not much is known about the Hawaiian goddess, except that she made trouble for her sister, Pele, goddess of fire. That seems to fit our planet. Not much is known about it, either.

The Goddess, Nāmaka:

The Planet, Nāmaka:

And there you have it. A beautiful goddess, a beautiful planet ... both treacherous? That remains to be seen. I'm excited that we're actually on Samurai's captain's yacht, which looks a lot like a modified Arrow class to me, and probably is. Nevertheless, it's comfortable, well stocked and each of us has private quarters for the duration. It will seem odd not to have either my sister or my daughter around. I'm sure I'll miss them, but I intend to take full advantage of their absence to absorb myself in work and rest.

My traveling companions on this voyage seem quite amenable, three of us scientists, one an engineer, and one ... I'm not quite sure what he is or why he's on board. I've seen him working at Orchids & Jazz, so what could he be here to do? He isn't assigned as Chief Cook and Bottle Washer, a term my great grandfather used for me when it was my turn to work in the kitchen. KP was another term he used. I think that stood for kitchen patrol. At any rate, neither of those seem to be Hari Seldon's purpose, and I'm not quite sure where he fits in. Amenable, nonetheless, so I expect a pleasant trip and plenty of work time to answer some of the most pressing questions about this Jovian planet. Too hot to be an ice planet, but I think it has a core, so more than a gas planet.

I hope we come home in a few days with some answers.

End log.


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