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The Tears from a Running Woman

Posted on Thu 29th Aug, 2019 @ 10:57pm by Lieutenant Damion Ildaran

452 words; about a 2 minute read

MD-4, Evening. From Corin Durant's sleep pod, Deck 150

Well, that's bloody interesting. Security cam footage combined with good facial recognition software tells you a lot. The man I intercepted as he was chasing down a fleeing woman is none other than one Ignatius Collins of Earth, co-owner of Collins-Griffin Mining Ventures, an independently wealthy businessman. And the woman he chased after? Ms. Purulence Addams, portrait artist, also of Earth. And, incidentally, sister of Ms. Ischemia Addams, attorney. Small universe, it is. And odd--they look nothing alike. Also--relevant to nothing--who the hell names a daughter Purulence? I guess the same sort of parents as would name one Ischemia. Reminds me of this custom some cultures have of naming their children something awful in an attempt to ward bad luck away from them. Maybe that's what it is.

I'm still not entirely happy I let Collins go, but he just wasn't acting like the sort of menace I grew up evading, or even like the more usual selfish young lout trying to get a girl to give up more than she's ready to. No, he seemed more anxious than anything else, maybe a bit frantic.

Ms. Purulence, though? She was afraid, as if all the shadows and the lights were chasing her. I'm not sure what was going on, there.

I'll keep security cam surveillance on Collins for a few days, until I'm satisfied about him, one way or the other. I'm leaning towards probably harmless. There's nothing in his record to suggest violence or criminal activity--aside from the oddity of his being captured by pirates recently, with some sealed records. I'd love to know what's up with that.

* * *

Ensign Brennan's training is coming along well. She is a whiz with a computer. I don't even know how she does half of what she does with one. It's a challenge finding systems for her to practice breaking into. We really don't have that much criminal activity on this base, and we have to be careful where we have her practice. I'm thinking Brown Sector next. I've had a couple of requests for service calls down there--in the upper decks of it. I want to get better acquainted with those folk before we have her digging around in their computers, though.

* * *

Alegari case--Morrigan has engaged Ischemia Addams as her counsel. I'm not privy to what they're cooking up.

Lt. Langston from Security sent in a report about why the ring is stuck inside the secured evidence container. I'm beginning to think that 'blaigeard' is too kind a term for this ring. More about that in a formal report.

That's all for now. I'm for bed. I hope I get to see Elizabeth soon.


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Comments (1)

By on Fri 30th Aug, 2019 @ 4:16pm

Whatever the character, I love your personal logs! This was a great summary of your current cases. =) I mean to write more, but things keep interfering.