
Name J'Noor

Position Criminal

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Romulan | Human
Age 31

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 185
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue


Father Aelen Vrenal
Mother Unknown

Personality & Traits

Personal History J'Noor's background is largely unknown. His likely birthplace was The Broken Worlds, an unincorporated territory of the Romulan Empire where undesirables go, be they political, religious, or cultural. His father was Aelen Vrenal, a ranking officer of the Tal'Shiar who was convicted of crimes against the state, although it is unclear what those crimes were. After serving a brief sentence Vrenal settled in The Broken Worlds, where he eked out a living doing menial jobs. Nothing is known of J'Noor's mother except that she was Human and that she left his father and took him to live on Adhara IV when he was still a young boy. As of Stardate 67246.0 both parents are believed to be dead.

J'Noor was with his mother for a short time. Then he apparently set off on his own at a young age--perhaps 14 or 15--and immediately entered a life of crime. Most of his offenses were minor. Pickpocketing, burglary, shoplifting, and so forth on populated worlds. When he felt like he had seen enough of one world, he would move on to the next, usually by enlisting aboard a merchant vessel as a deckhand or unskilled laborerer. This represented his only attempt at honest work.

By the time he was 17 He settled on Arcturus Prime. Here he became involved with a criminal gang in the capital city. His skill set escalated to weapons, the polaron disruptor becoming his favorite. His career on Arcturus ended when he, along with three accomplices, attempted to rob a Ferengi currency exchange. The hold-up quickly went bad when the security team hired by the Ferengi pulled their phasers. The ensuing gun battle destroyed the currency exchange and spilled out into the street. Eleven people were killed and more than two dozen wounded. Among the dead were all three of J'Noor's accomplices. J'Noor himself was shot twice and his life was saved at the local hospital.

Arcturian authorities charged him with several crimes including armed robbery and four counts of murder. The four victims in question having been conclusively killed by a polaron disruptor. J'Noor's attorney, however, was able to clear him of the murder charges, since his pistol was not the only one of its type recovered from the crime scene. The other charges stuck. J'Noor was sentenced to 25 cycles in an underground correctional facility. The sentence was administered via implanted memory. In other words, what felt like the passage of many years was actually only a few hours in real time.

For his virtual sentence J'Noor was supposed to have been paired with an elderly man as his cellmate. The sentencing board thought it might do him some good to have the influence of an older, wiser man who regretted his criminal past. A fatherly influence that had been missing for most of his life. It didn't work out that way. Unbekownst to authorities, the cellmate character had been replaced with a representation of Krillim, who was a known pirate and criminal overlord. Krillim was also the founder of the Brotherhood, a quasi-religious crime cult whose adherents are known for their devotion to each other and their continued enrichment. The invading Krillim program immediately set about recruiting J'Noor into the Brotherhood. By the time the change was discovered it was too late. The sentencing board had declared his time served and released him. The Krillim program erased itself. After an exhaustive investigation no suspect in the hack has been identified.

Following his release, J'Noor left Arcturus on a civilian transport and went to Thalcyon. From there his trail is mostly cold, but he has been identified as a suspect in numerous acts of piracy.

Convicted of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and armed robbery on Arcturus Prime. Sentence of 25 cycles served via implanted memory.

Convicted in absentia on Gamma Volantis IV for piracy and other hostile acts in deep space.


Minor theft, Aldeberan.

Cultural insult and possession of an unauthorized weapon, Meridius VII.

Petty theft, brandishing a weapon, and threatening a police officer, Tau Tucanae IV.

Simple assault, Tandia.

Disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace, Nkosia Sanctum.

Petty theft and evading arrest, New Silverhold.

Attempted burglary, Gallinae IV.

Interfering with police business, Boros III.

Simple assault and disorderly behavior on the civilian cruise liner Wayfarer.

Simple assault and destruction of public property, New Sydney Colony.

Minor theft and resisting arrest, Ketir II.

Trespassing, assault on a public official, and impudence, Heli's Planet.

Reckless operation of a shuttle craft and resisting arrest, Alkonost II.


Wanted for questioning in connection with the murders of Lhare of Thalcyon and Lord Sindukh of Zerga, criminal underworld figures.

Suspected of participation in acts of piracy in the following open cases:

USS Comfort
MV Celestial Endeavor
MV Kestrel
MV Pioneer
MV Nioni Drifter
MV Conestoga
MV Bajy Express
MV Khone Courier
MV Reflection
SS Horizon
MV Astrid Colossus
MV Santiago
MV Shydri Clipper
MV Charles Messier
MY Fascination
MV Legend of Duosi
SS Destiny
MV Maiden of New Gaia
VSAV Tavek
New Atlantis Mining Colony
Byorma Latinum Extraction Station
Mal-Char Industrial Complex


Drake Morgan
Shan Boheel
Parmin Veka
Paul Roux
Orson Wyse
Corvin Jaenke
Derrik Leath
Xeno Mann
Cran Thamne