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Sat 22nd Feb, 2025 @ 2:03pm

Commander Entaaro Nasz

Name Entaaro K’ Nasz

Position Tactical Operations Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Klingon
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 205 cm
Weight 127 kg
Hair Color Chestnut
Eye Color Golden flecked Brown
Physical Description Tall and Lean, Entaaro dresses in robes of a scholar or tight workout apparel. He eschews armor for its cumbersome squeaky nature. Glasses hang from a chest harness with pockets and a holster for away mission tools, hair tightly queued. He carries a Mekleth, and disruptor when on missions, otherwise is unarmed with hair long.


Spouse Unmarried
Children Had a Romance that did not end in marriage, estranged by child.
Father Aram
Mother Ulot
Brother(s) Chapt, Kron, Delvut, (two deceased)
Sister(s) Lisella, Limora
Other Family Ubo (uncle)

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses +Communications systems, languages, and data analysis expert
+Klingon expert (Native)
+Intellectually driven, very smart
+Excellent commander
-Has Issues fitting in with warrior Klingons
-Is short tempered by most standards
-Stubborn and recalcitrant
Ambitions Wishes to bridge divides with Klingons and represent the artists and scholarly castes with honor.
Hobbies & Interests Appreciates the Arts whenever possible, creating pieces of art through various mediums, still shot photography, dance, song, books, poems, music.
Klingon Caste reform

Personal History Entaaro Nasz was born the youngest of seven, before he was born two brothers had died in glorious combat for the empire, and paths became open to allow other generations to join other castes. As a spare son, he went with his sisters to an academy on Q’onos which featured a military style school approach. They did not have to serve, and were a guarantee to keep the family line strong while the others went out to claim their fortunes. Not a coward, Not a Man.

Entaaro distinguished himself as a communications phenom early, a keen ear for language and facilitating communications between system, recognizing tones from static backgrounds were all examples of the natural talent he exhibited. Using Chemical learnings and aggressive methods imposed by industry professors, he can speak or understand nearly all of the primary vocal languages in the Federation and Klingon alliance to some degree or another without a UT.

Service during his tenure was not a productive affair, as warriors would not take orders from him without Entaaro taking drastic measures. Conflicts and doubt plagued him, and he attained a lieutenants rank after seven years of grueling service. He was recommended for the Federation Officer Exchange Program and became a lieutenant for Starfleet where his scholarly aptitudes and softer dispositions were not a hindrance. He attained Commander after only two more years.

Service Record Imperial Reserve Academy
IKS Chang
IKS O’vol
MI Xint
USS Cape Cod
Deep Space 4
Beringer Outpost
Starbase 109