
  • 3 Mission Posts

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Sun 2nd Feb, 2025 @ 11:29pm

Lieutenant Niamh MacAran

Name Niamh Aiofe MacAran MD

Position Medical Officer

Second Position Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Carcosan
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9"
Weight 145 lbs.
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Gray
Physical Description Niamh (pronounced "NEEV") is a tall, slender, pale-skinned woman with vividly red hair and gray eyes. Her hair is generally straight and falls to her waist, but she usually wears it pinned up. Generally, Niamh's movements are unhurried and measured. She does her best to spread calm wherever she goes. Her speech is elegant and precise.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Diarmid MacAran
Mother Maeve Baine-MacAran
Brother(s) TBD
Sister(s) TBD
Other Family TBD

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses + A skilled healer of people suffering from psionic injuries.
+ Unflappable. Exudes calm.
+ Always presents a professional appearance.
+ Very well-spoken. Elegant manners. Upper-crust and knows it.
+ Can achieve communication with patients suffering from "locked-in" syndrome. Has earned a reputation for enabling them to regain consciousness.
- Doesn't like to get dirty. Physical trauma treated with medical instruments instead of with psionics is not her thing. She hated her ER and surgical rotations.
- Awkward around non-psychic people when not at work.
- A bit snobbish. Prioritizes patients with psychic abilities and tends to leave other patients to other staff.
- Expects everyone else to adhere to her perhaps too-high standards.
- Not well liked because of her general snobbish attitude but is respected for her skill in psionic healing.
Ambitions To provide superlative treatment to every (psychic) patient, every time.
Hobbies & Interests Embroidery and harp playing.

Personal History Her name is pronounced, "Neeve Eefa MacAran."

Niamh was born on the planet Carcosa in the Beta Quadrant in 2364. About one-third of all Carcosans are telepathic to some degree.
Service Record 2364: Born on Carcosa in the Beta Quadrant.
2382: Began basic medical training among a group of Carcosan telepaths. Applied to Starfleet Academy and was accepted.
2384: Six-month voyage to Earth.
2388: Completed BS in biochemistry, Starfleet Academy, Earth.
2390: Completed MS equivalent in telepathic medicine at Shi'Kahr University, Vulcan.
2392: Completed doctorate in medicine at Starfleet Academy, Earth.
2394: Completed internship and second year of residency on the USS Denton Cooley, an Olympic-class medical ship.
2396: Completed final two years of residency aboard the Louis Pasteur, another Olympic-class ship.
2396: Assigned to Starbase 109.