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Sun 2nd Jun, 2024 @ 9:29pm

Commander Anslo Tol

Name Anslo Jaron Tol

Position Civilian

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Trill
Age 39

Physical Appearance

Height 6’1”
Weight 180lb
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Black
Physical Description A strapping young Trill, he keeps his hair cropped close, and is always top shape fit. He prefers to stay ready with at least a security tunic on, and weapon nearby, but prefers overall to have boots, armor, bandolier at all times.


Spouse Unmarried
Children Might have had a fling during the war or two
Father Lohb Stahl
Mother Zeata Fas
Brother(s) Faron
Sister(s) Toraal

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses +Elite Black Ops Veteran
+Joined wisdom
+Fair minded
-Pursued by assassins
-Joined medical issues
Ambitions To go home, and be himself again.
Hobbies & Interests At one time wanted to work in law enforcement, but now just wants to stop running.

Personal History Anslo Jaron lived a life in Starfleet as a security specialist. He was known beforehand as a remarkably intelligent even keeled young man who was born to be a police officer. The Dominion war saw his service turn to war and he became a forward infantry operator. He was reassigned to guard a Trill ambassador to the war effort on a tour of duty against his will. Starfleet mandated a Trill be on mission at all times, but they assured Anslo the risk was minimal.

The Tol symbiote was a brilliant tactician and scientist, pivotal to the war effort. It’s long history as a servant to the federation and near religious levels of insight and wisdom was its towering claim. Anslo wanted to return to the lines but was forbidden, forced to live the life of a monk, and a slave to Tol. The joining wasn’t perfect, and the plan to take Tol out would leave Anslo mangled for life, or even kill him. He tried to escape, was caught and they nearly extracted Tol by force, not even trying to keep it from being a lethal decision. Tol even agreed it was necessary and Anslo escaped. Curiously when they ran free, and Tol lived life once more, the joining finalized and the dissonance went away.

Anslo fled for his life, providing service under a false name and working his way out of the Federation. He found the Vaqbach, on a mission to explore the Delta quadrant, offering Tol a taste of the wilder side of life, and putting distance between him and the men hunting him.

Anslo feels like Tol is a parasite, who has only hurt him and derailed his whole life though. They are not in harmony, and in contrast to how it should be, are two separate personalities. Time will tell if they can achieve balance. For now, the hybridized creature has unique talents and perspectives.

The past lives of Tol

Bakkan Herr- Old in the time of Kirk, Bakkan was among the first Trill to oversee the membership initiative to join. Bakkan is an author and signer of the original Trill Federation incorporation. He was an adherent to the path of T’rill before joining.

Kwnby Luth- Served in Starfleet, fought in the Klingon Federation war. Among several key officers overseeing logistics and supply lines for the war effort. Renowned for Tactical genius and logistical tactics. Was on board a Starbase during Klingon boarding action and saw firsthand combat, it made him queasy from the brutality of the Klingons and is afraid of them. Retired into fame as a novelist publishing biographical works of great Trill people.

Sbodn Macha- Author and Chef, renowned world traveler. Her book “Wayfarer” inspired billions of people to leave their homeworlds and see the stars. “Wayfarer” is a staple book read to children before their first space voyage across two quadrants. Had only one child, who was murdered by an obsessed fan who stalked Sbodn for years. Sbodn never left the Trill homeworld afterwards. Shonda found much solace rewalking previous lives in the path of T’rill.

Ozvin Loza- Mother of three children, who were all Starfleet captains, their children nearly all joined Starfleet, and to this day, the Loza family is the largest single family serving from Trill, with over a thousand descendants spread across Fifteen hundred light years. Quotes from “Mama” have defined and shaped Federation and Starfleet policies. Her openly religious faith in a higher power has served to inspire many to the present day.

Talbic Grentkit- A follower of Trill religious practices, Talbic was a genius level intellect who was very tortured and uncertain. Tol brought peace to Talbic who took a subservient stance, and Tol developed a curious autonomy of thought as a result. Talbic went on to accomplish every impossible task set before him before taking his own life from the stress of an unsolvable problem during the Dominion war, a no win situation resulting in massive loss of life.

Anslo Joran- An unjoined Starfleet MACO, Anslo was respected before joining and had seen action from many of the major war fronts across the Federation. He was the only Trill within distance when Talbic took his life, and Tol had to have a place to live on. Anslo was forced to receive Tol, and forced to live in medical restraints and isolation. He escaped and remains at large to this day, believed to have fallen in with a pirate outfit.
Service Record Service as MP
Volunteered for Special ops training
Black book operations
Diplomatic escort duty (where he was forced to join)