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Sun 9th Mar, 2025 @ 11:49am

Chief Petty Officer Larry Kersenboom

Name Larry Terrence Kersenboom (Ret.)

Position Retiree

Rank Chief Petty Officer

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 72

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 185 lbs.
Hair Color Gray
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Larry is a gray-haired man of tallish height for a human male and is a bit stocky. He typically likes to dress in Hawaiian shirts, khakis, and flip-flops.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Jan Kersenboom
Mother Mila Kersenboom
Brother(s) Lucas
Sister(s) Eva and Tess
Other Family His gaming group, whoever happens to be in it. Currently, it includes Karen (Dungeonmistress), Steve, Renee, Mark, Vanessa, Chris, Marie, and Larry himself. Karen served with Larry in boot camp and in a later posting. Everyone else gradually joined the group after befriending Larry or Karen.

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses - HATES going to the doctor for any reason but has had to acknowledge that he does need more medical care, now that he is getting older. Hates getting hyposprayed even more than he hates seeing the doctor. Tried to avoid things like the flu vaccine by showing up at the last hour on the last day it was available so that the supply would run out before he could get the dose. Unfortunately, replicators ruined this cunning plan.
- Sensitivity to caffeine. Used to drink tea so strong he called it Chaos Brew. Has had to lay off that.
- Perhaps likes alcohol a bit much.
Ambitions Larry's ambition is to enjoy his retirement. He describes himself as ReNDY: Retired--Not Dead Yet. After retiring from Starfleet at age 40 with 22 years' service, Larry served in the Starfleet Reserves for eight years and then retired from Starfleet. While in the Reserves, he went to work for a shipping company based on Mars. He worked on Mars for 28 years. Then he received some bad news and decided it was time to retire from the shipping company, too.

He heard there was this great little gamers' pub on Starbase 109, so he came for a visit and decided to stay. He spends a lot of his time at The Hangman's Noose with his gamer group, which is comprised of people he used to serve with in Starfleet. This is great for his bank account, as he doesn't spend much in credits, but not so great for his waistline. He's having to work out more than he wants to, to keep halfway trim, and man, that is too much like work! If he's going to do work, he might as well get paid for it.
Hobbies & Interests Roleplay gaming--the type with character sheets, dice, and little hand-painted figurines--no game board, no hexes, no need for no stinkin' computer. He gamed his way through 22 years in Starfleet and intends to be buried with his dice.

Personal History Larry lives in Perry Gardens, a couple of corridors over from Durant Repair Services.

Born on Earth in 2332 in the land of Oz, otherwise known as Garden City, Kansas. Larry enlisted in Starfleet at age 18 and earned a degree in mechanical engineering while serving on active duty. He worked as a bo'sun's mate and cargo handler for 22 standard years while in Starfleet. When he chose not to take the test for Senior CPO, he had to leave active duty and was transferred to the Starfleet Reserves for eight years. At that time he retired from Starfleet. While serving in the Starfleet Reserves, Larry obtained employment at a shipping company on Mars, where he worked for 32 years.

Larry has never married, though he has dated women and has had some longstanding affairs with a couple of them. He has no desire to marry or to have children.
Service Record 2322: Born in Garden City, Kansas.
2340: Enlists in Starfleet.
2362: Opts not to take the Senior CPO test and so must leave active Starfleet service. Enters Starfleet Reserves on retainer pay.
2362: Obtains employment with Red Son Shipping.
2380: Retires from Starfleet as a CPO.
3494: Retires from Red Son Shipping. Moves to Starbase 109.