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Sun 9th Mar, 2025 @ 11:49am

Mozatholm Zaldekulmu

Name Mozatholm Zaldekulmu

Position Child

Second Position Child

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Sentallian
Age 15

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Weight 135 lbs.
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Mozatholm is on the thin side and is shorter than he ought to be. He has loose, curling black hair that looks as if it is in need of a cut unless his mother has recently taken a pair of scissors to it. His clothing tends to be a combination of black, brown, gray, and beige. His clothing is neatly maintained, but looks worn.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Alibrashar Zaldekulmu
Mother Lifiaden Zaldek
Brother(s) He has two. Names TBD.

Naming convention: Everyone is the child of their mother. Children take the combined surnames of their parents, mother's surname first, until they reach adulthood. When a daughter reaches adulthood, she takes her mother's surname as her only surname, retaining it when she marries. When a son marries, he drops the name of his father's mother and marries as just the son of his mother, adding his wife's surname before his own. So Mozatholm Zaldekulmu will marry as Mozatholm Zaldek and will add his wife's surname to his own, becoming Mozatholm Somenamezaldek.
Sister(s) He has one. Name TBD.
Other Family An aunt, uncle, and cousin, not necessarily all of the same family.

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses Has pride and does not like to accept charity.
Is honest and won't stoop to thievery.
Too intelligent by half.
Ambitions He hasn't really thought about it. It hasn't hit him yet that he will be a grown man soon. He is only just becoming interested in girls.
Hobbies & Interests Meeting new people and learning new things. He finds the Romulan doctor's daughter quite fetching--and his mother would have a fit with him if she ever found out. Likes to read the Jedidiah Tully series when he can find an old copy of one. Also likes books about different cultures and history.

Personal History Mozatholm is a child of Brown Sector, of a group of refugees who fled Sentallis Prime after it suffered a major and catastrophic shift in tectonic plates, resulting in subduction of significant land mass and encroachment of the ocean. About the only thing Mozatholm remembers of his homeworld is the ground shaking and that it was chaotic and frightening. He was perhaps three years old when his family left and moved to Starbase 109. They arrived during the time of the Federation Civilian Defense Authority's period of oversight of the base, which resulted in difficult times for Brown Sector, as many decks were powered down, and energy and food were scarce.

Mozatholm has received a basic education in the Brown Sector school system and spends much of his time when not studying or in school doing odd jobs for anyone he can get to hire him. His father works as cleaning staff in the docking bay, and his mother has found work at The Hangman's Noose as a waitress.
Service Record N/A