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Sat 21st Dec, 2024 @ 8:28am

Daeren Iril

Name Daeren Iril

Position Trill Consul

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Trill (joined)
Age 262

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 180 lbs.
Hair Color Gray
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Daeren looks thin for a Trill, as if he has battled and overcome a serious illness, which he has. He is fair complected, and his moles are darker then is typical for a Trill but also smaller, making the sides of his face appear almost to be shadowed. He usually dresses well in public, as he represents his planet anytime he is outside of his quarters. His taste in clothing runs to the elegant but austere. His hair, beard, and moustache are silvery gray and are all neatly trimmed.


Spouse None, but he has had one wife (Genith) and two romantic relationships in previous hosts.
Children None as Daeren Iril. He does have a son and descendants from a previous host, Fayla.
Father TBD
Mother TBD
Brother(s) TBD. Several from previous hosts, but tradition forbids him from associating with them once he transfers to a new host.
Sister(s) TBD. Several from previous hosts, but tradition forbids him from associating with them once he transfers to a new host.
Other Family Several Dellin family descendants of Fayla Dellin Iril.

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths
* An accomplished linguist who fluently speaks more than ten languages.
* A former Starfleet commanding officer, well versed in its practices.
* The varied experiences of being a joined Trill. (Working on this history.)
* His current host took a medical discharge from Starfleet after exposure to radiation during his final mission.
* The Iril symbiont cannot bear for its host to be unconscious for longer than about four hours per night, so Daeren has a sleep disorder.
* Some aspects of his mission on Starbase 109 are clandestine.
Ambitions To ensure the smooth functioning and continuance of the UFP as a whole and of Trill in particular.
Hobbies & Interests Daeren learns languages for fun. It's one reason why he was so pleased to be assigned to Starbase 109--a polyglot's paradise if there ever was one.
He can speak fluently in Trill, Ferengi, Klingonaase, Vulcan, Romulan, Andorian, Federation Standard, Cardassian, Bajoran, and Betazoid. Daeren has written a peer-reviewed paper on divergences between Vulcan and Romulan and how the modern languages of these two peoples have evolved. He is also writing a paper on Bajoran use of loan-words from Cardassian.

Personal History Commanded the USS Nightraven for three years and the USS Vigilance for four years but decided to retire from Starfleet after radiation exposure during a mission while on the Vigilance left him debilitated, requiring an extended period of treatment, rest, and rehabilitation in a Starfleet hospital and on Trill. While on his homeworld he was invited to attend a diplomatic reception in Leran Manev and was asked that evening if he had ever considered joining the foreign service. Daeren hadn't, but it seemed to him that, in some ways, serving in the diplomatic corps was similar to functioning as a starship captain. His two previous hosts had not done diplomatic work before, so Daeren decided to apply.

He went up through the ranks, feeling that he had best learn the profession from the basics to fill in the gaps in his knowledge. Eventually, he was appointed as Ambassador to Feringinar. After serving in that capacity for a time, he took a demotion to consul for medical reasons and transferred to Starbase 109.

Previous hosts:
* Jorron Iril (3rd) - Trill military officer and then an organizer of security for high-profile politicians, business people, and celebrities. Jorron was mortally wounded while defending a protectee from assassination and became comatose. By the time medical help arrived, Jorron was in a persistent vegetative state. Iril had been in an unconscious body for an extended length of time and found this a terrifying experience.
* Fayla Iril (2nd) - Comedian, motivational speaker and writer. Traveled extensively and ventured into Klingon territory to perform comedy for them. Studied Klingonaase to do it and told his Klingon audiences that his ambition was to make them laugh by the end of the evening. He usually succeeded. Fayla became Iril's host in an emergency joining, which Fayla didn't at first want because he feared that becoming joined would harm his marriage and relationship with his son. Matiss died of a heart attack after attending one of Fayla's performances on Andoria, and he was the only Trill available for the procedure. Ever afterward, he used this fact as part of his routine. "I am probably the last candidate the Symbiosis Commission wanted for a host...."
* Matiss Iril (1st) - Journalist and reporter with the Federation News Service. Also authored several books and narrated historical documentaries. Traveled widely within the Federation.