
  • 8 Mission Posts

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Wed 1st Jan, 2025 @ 6:08pm


Name Morva

Position The Slug and Grub Diner

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Ferengi
Age 57

Physical Appearance

Height 4'8"
Weight 85
Hair Color Bald
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Morva has large eyes of a lovely, dark green color. Her scalp is bald, and her ears are typical of a Ferengi. When at work she wears a spotless chef's toque and trousers, and a loose, white cloth cap on her head. She wears none of the decorative lobe chains and baubles that other Ferengi females wear; she says they are too heavy, they tug on her lobes, and they get in her way. Away from her restaurants she wears comfortable but elegant clothing. Her emotions are economical and her arm movements graceful to watch.


Spouse Trav
Children None
Other Family Nephew Gar

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses - Somewhat inflexible. In Morva's kitchen it's her way or the highway.
Ambitions To open a fine dining establishment or several on Ferenginar.
Hobbies & Interests Criticizing everyone else's food and food preferences and advocating for Ferengi cuisine at all times--not in a jerk way, though.