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Position Available

Posted on Mon 1st May, 2023 @ 8:41am by

Hello, excellent crew! Most of us are out of the red now! Yay! Let's try to keep it that way by posting once in two weeks, minimum. It seems to come around awfully fast! Mark it on your calendar. =)

If there is someone who does NOT already have a PNPC in Brown Sector, we need a sheriff down there. Please contact me about details, if you are interested in playing that role. Otherwise, next week, I will advertise it off-base in Theta fleet. I'd rather have someone who already knows the layout and lifestyle of the base, but we need a sheriff. =)

Thanks for your great response to our posting levels. Austen is back and bumped things up a bit, too!

Susan/aka Jade Lantz


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Comments (1)

by Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Thu 4th May, 2023 @ 8:37am

Dieklin can pinch-hit until someone else applies for the job.
