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Timeline & History

Posted on Mon 27th Feb, 2017 @ 1:45pm by Colonel Horatio Drake

Hi Everyone,

Chantal recently pointed out some discrepancies regarding both the timeline that Vanguard is set in and the history of the base, as well as confusion over SB Protector Vs. SB Vanguard. So, I will clear things up!

When we brought Vanguard to life we used the old Protector website... we updated everything to reflect the change in name and advanced dates etc. However, when I originally made the back story I must have got the dates incorrect... so advancing these just compounded that mistake! To clarify some key dates for Vanguard:

2363 (late): Construction finished on Vanguard
2364: Vanguard was commissioned as Starbase 109. Commanding Officer: Lieutenant Commander Tal.
2365-69: Commanding Officer: Captain Tal
2370-73: Succession of three CO's, all lasting only a year each.
2373: Outbreak of Dominion War, base handed over to FCDA due to relative strategic unimportance.
2392: Vanguard handed back over to Starfleet. Commanding Officer: Colonel Drake

With this in mind, the history of the base also not properly updated - still citing the old CO who took over from me on Protector! The updated history can be found here:

Finally, when I approached Theta Fleet to reactivate this sim I had to decide on what I wanted to do. Having a starbase again was unquestionable, but what was it going to be? A brand new sim called Protector? Perhaps the old Protector reactivated? Etc. I decided on a semi-clean break. A new base by the name of Vanguard... loosely following the storyline, positioning and history of Protector... but in no way related. In Vanguard's in-game timeline, there was never a base called Protector!

Apologies for the confusion and oversights with all of this!

All the best,


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