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Happy Easter!

Posted on Sun 17th Apr, 2022 @ 3:49pm by Commander Paul Graves PsyD

And Happy Passover, Blessed Ostara, and Ramadan Mubarak, to all of you who celebrate the various holidays!

I hope you have all had a restful holiday weekend filled with the love of family and friends, and delicious food!

Update on me--I've been sick for the past month or so, to the point of losing weight over it, only to discover that yogurt is a wonderful, cheap, and easy cure for what ailed me. I wish I'd figured it out sooner.

Anyway, I am feeling much better now and will be responding to posts later today. I apologize for the delay, but it's been a month spent frequently in the bathroom and taking several days off from work. :P

Books: If you've never read a series of books called Love, Lies, and Hocus-Pocus by Lydia Sherrer, I heartily recommend them, especially if you love cats. They are very well written, with considerable logical character development that is slowly revealed as you continue in the series.

I'm off to church now. Happy writing!



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