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Night b4 Christmas, Theta Flavored

Posted on Sun 20th Dec, 2020 @ 8:05pm by

William Crawford posted this to the Theta Fleet commander's list:

T'was the night before Christmas,
And all through Theta Fleet, nothing was stirring,
Apart from Commander Tainakas warp engine purring!
Admiral Burke in her office working hard,
As more ships are launched from The Athena Shipyard.
Over in the Neutral Zone, Starfleet Dispatches the Starship Tokyo.
Its mission to find the source of the mysterious ‘ho ho ho'.
The strange signal that echoes through space and time,
Sure to solve the mystery are the crew of Starbase 109!
2020 has been a strange and hard year,
However, Commodore Kayano is determined to spread some Christmas cheer.
She invites you for tea and cake in her ready room,
Although the Yamato is in the Gamma Quadrant, so it'll be done over subspace Zoom!
There will still be gifts under the tree, and plenty of good food for eating,
As Will gets out the ‘Phil Cardboard Cut-out' for the Monthly CO meeting.
For tonight, a feeling of good and joy is heading to your town,
As the Starships Endeavour, Ranger and Missouri prepare to touch down.
Landing on planets, to help a man in a red suit, for Starship is what he needs,
To travel the cosmos fulfilling his good seasonal deeds.
Now he travels by Starship to deliver toys across the galaxy, even to the Borg Hive,
I mean its still more realistic than Star Trek Five...
So make sure you’re on Santas nice list and don’t throw a tantrum and yell,
Or you may find yourself with a order to clean out a warp nacelle!
For Theta Fleet is a home to many and welcomes all, come winter, spring, summer and fall
So remember others as you eat your Turkey, Beef or even Lobster
A Merry Christmas from me, and live long and prosper!

I told him that I wasn't sure we'd solve the mystery, but we sure would chew on it for years!

Happy Chanukah, Merry Christmas, Joyous Jul, Solar Malkh, Stuperous Saturnalia, Humane Human Light, I've run out of happy adjectives Yalda, Kwanzaa, Festivus, Life Day, Gravy Day, or... how ever you celebrate or observe the winter[1] solstice!

1) Except, of course, for our Antipodian friends, for whom it's the summer solstice.


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Comments (1)

by Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Thu 24th Dec, 2020 @ 6:02pm

LMAO!!! Yeah, it could take us a decade or so to solve the mystery--but we are, by God, determined to solve it!

Or we could just do it as a dream sequence and solve it amazingly quickly. Anyone up for a brief story arc?
