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July Fleet Report

Posted on Sun 2nd Aug, 2020 @ 3:10am by

Sim Name: Starbase 109 / SB109
Task Group: 51-A
URL for website:

Name of Commanding Officer: Hikari Suzuki (Commodore Suzuki)

Noteworthy changes (if any) to your website: None

Number of Members at beginning of month: 14
Names of Crew Departed during month: none
Names of Crew added during month: Austin playing Renato Solis
Number of crew at end of month: 15

Title of current mission: Resolution
Description of current mission: Working on:

*returning scientists to SB109
*backstory on several exciting characters - ongoing
*exploring the Brown Sector - Gratitude Festival
*wrapping up Alegari investigation - the last sister

Short summary of mission progress during the month: Several story arcs are opening as others are closing out.

Number of Posts: 70
Average posts per user: 4.67

What have you done this month to change your sim? Encouraged joint posting among different parts of the crew.

Noteworthy event on your sim during the month:  Using some PNPC characters to create new story plots

Awards (if any) given during the month:

Recruitment Ribbon:  Aaron:  (by Nikki)  To Aaron for not just inviting me to write along, but having the sense to know I'd find other like-minded storytellers here and specifically encouraging me to plug into the scene in Brown Sector. I'm a very happy recruit, and Aaron ought to have a ribbon.

Captain's Choice Awards to the following players, because no sim can get along without the supporting roles played by all the characters. We are so pleased with the writing crew here on SB109, and it wouldn't be the same without every one of these stars in our crown:

*Commander Henry Perry - Captain of the Port; leader of the recent science posts
*Lt. Commander Andrew Eberstark - Tactical Operations Officer; leader of SB109 defenses and great romantic interest with Serena Alia
*Lt. Commader Alora Baro - Chief Operations Officer; extraordinary engineer and team player
*Khellian s'Siedhri MD - Civilian Romulan; doctor and his daughter play major roles in most story arcs.
* Lt. Commander Kiara Lena - Chief Diplomatic Officer; leads the diplomatic corps and jumps in everywhere an NPC is needed.
*Lt. Commander Dallas Briggs - Chief Security Officer; also Vulcan ambassador and many more roles. Another writer who jumps in wherever he's needed.

All of our players could be given this award. The ones who haven't been have frequently been nominated for other awards, or are our newest players. Each of those new players has fallen right into the SB109 culture, added to it, and will be receiving numerous nominations, I'm sure, over the coming months. We are truly a great team of writers, with awesome skills, story arc imagineers (kind of like Disney employees), players and friends. Kudos to every one of our 15 writers.

Longevity Awards:

        1 year:  Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena

Mission Posting Awards:

Iain (Mikaela Locke, XO, and others)  (100)Lily (Jamine Collins-Keller, and others) (150)
Susan (Jade Lantz and others) (600)

Additional Comments:

Writer of the Month Nomination and reason: Jenny.  This month, Jenny has played a vital part in two characters who are part of the same post.  One is her PC, Dr. Chlamydia Addams, where she provides an incentive for our split-personality prisoner to tell all.  In that same series, she is writing a PNPC, Muffet Langston, who is Arache, quite uncommon in itself ... and she knits!  Her character provides some feelings of threat to a tense situation.  Whatever Jenny writes, one gets caught up in her words and characterizations.

Player of the Month Nomination and reason:  Chantal (Dr. Graves and others)  Chantal is always behind the scenes creating new ideas, encouraging writers, keeping track of our post timeline, writing a host of interesting characters and, in general, being a wonderful leader and part of the command team.

Post of the Month Nomination (and URL):  Bread and Jam viewpost/1509 
Three Bajoran characters, Baro Alora, Li Kainon, and Lanis Dhuro made this post such a wonderful reflection on different Bajoran background stories. It gave me a lot to think about.

Submitted by SB109's command committee


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