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June Fleet Report

Posted on Mon 6th Jul, 2020 @ 11:43pm by
Edited on Mon 6th Jul, 2020 @ 11:44pm

Sim Name: Starbase 109 / SB109
Task Group: 51-A
URL for website:

Name of Commanding Officer: Hikari Suzuki (Commodore Suzuki)

Noteworthy changes (if any) to your website: None

Number of Members at beginning of month: 13
Names of Crew Departed during month: none
Names of Crew added during month: Nikki playing Dr. Yuliette Marayan, not Starfleet
Number of crew at end of month: 14

Title of current mission: Resolution
Description of current mission: Working on:

  • *rescuing drifting space pod with almost no air left
    *backstory on several exciting characters - ongoing
    *exploring the Brown Sector - ongoing, new characters are developing
    *wrapping up Alegari investigation - the last sister

    Short summary of mission progress during the month: Several story arcs are opening as others are closing out.

    Number of Posts: 68
    Average posts per user: 4.86

    What have you done this month to change your sim? Pushed some story lines to conclusion, or drawing close. Begun other, newer stories.

    Noteworthy event on your sim during the month: Added a new section to the Brown Sector - The Zodiac, developed by Nikki/Yuliette

    Awards (if any) given during the month:

    Dr. Yuliette Marayan - Distinguished Newcomer Award: Two nominations!

    For Nikki's excellence in bringing to life a new and different, yet logical and well thought out, aspect of Brown Sector and for developing an economy for the place that has nothing to do with latinum but makes perfect sense. The 'distinguished' part of this award is no polite nicety. Her 'story within a story' about the luftuf in her Elery's House post was, I thought, brilliant. Nikki is a gifted writer, and we are lucky to have her and Yuliette with us.

    Since coming aboard SB109 Nikki has been on fire with her writing. She hit 12 posts with her PC, that's pretty impressive for her first month. Nikki also has a very high quality of writing and her posts are a pleasure to read. Once you read a post you just can't wait to see what's next.

    CDR Jasmine Collins-Keller - Departmental Distinction Award: Science - For co-writing a series of posts detailing an away mission of scientific exploration and discovery that goes awry. We enjoyed the series of posts about testing the Bushido's AI system and dealing with the problems it causes.

    Longevity Awards:

    Dr. Paul Graves, 8 years
    Commander Dallas Briggs, 1 year

    Mission Posting Awards:

    Chantal (Dr. Paul Graves and others) (500)
    Jenny (Dr. Chlamydia Addams and others (300)

    Additional Comments:

    Writer of the Month Nomination and reason: Nikki: It may be gilding the lily to nominate Nikki for two awards this month, but she really has put in the work, and her writing has been of an exceptionally high quality--and quantity. She has written a series of posts introducing her character, Yuliette, to the starbase, and the posts have been like a book you can't put down. We have all enjoyed reading them.

    Player of the Month Nomination and reason: Jenny: No matter which of her characters Jenny is playing, there's sure to be an unexpected comment or reaction somewhere in the post. She manages to be funny, to be knowledgeable, and to be thought-provoking. Her memory for detail is phenomenal.

    Post of the Month Nomination (and URL): Shoring Up the Defense: by Eberstark, Baro and Briggs:
    This post sounded so much like a real meeting over real issues.

    Submitted by SB109's command committee


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Comments (2)

by Yuliette Marayan Dr. on Tue 7th Jul, 2020 @ 2:30am

'Grats to those who wrote the post of the month, I also appreciated the gravitas in the room there when I read it.
Congrats to Collins-Keller for sciency things! Always a challenge to write well!
Congrats to folks on their longevity and posting awards— hopefully I'll be around long enough, writing prolifically enough to join you there!

Thanks for all of the recognition. Thanks to everyone here who patiently worked with me to get the Zodiac description together in a way to fit your own game and who gave me elbow room to join with open minds. Thanks especially to Aaron, who puts up with all my hair-brained schemes and invited me in. I don't usually get giddy about awards, but when I read this news, I made everyone in my household hi-five me and got them all confused as to why. I'm having a lot of fun and only afraid that I've set too high a bar to live up to in future months. But the muse is still firing, my word processor is still flashing a cursor waiting for more, so let's find out... ~n<3

by Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Thu 9th Jul, 2020 @ 6:00am

Nikki--LOL! No one expects you to keep up that frenetic pace each month. :) We all have our down periods, and when that happens, others pick up the slack. We all do it for each other. You'll be fine, and we're very glad to have you here.
