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Murder on the SS Silent Night

Posted on Mon 21st Nov, 2016 @ 4:51pm by Colonel Horatio Drake

So... our Christmas murder mystery begins!

Before I begin to explain our plan, let me highlight that whilst this is a serious mission for Vanguard... some parts of it are to be taken as tongue in cheek, such as the name of the passenger ship and crewmembers etc.

James and I are currently writing a Joint Post... in this we will introduce the SS Silent Night and explain the back story, but there has been a murder on the ship. We will also be introducing the suspects... each one of them a crewmember aboard the Silent Night. These crewmembers will temporarily join our manifest as PNPC's under a new department... we will be contacting each of you shortly and assigning you one of these NPC's to write. PLEASE NOTE: You can do as much or as little as you like with this NPC, I know that some of you are stretched thin at the moment so please don't feel that this is another character that you have to write... this is meant to be fun! Naturally, posting activity for main characters throughout the festive period will not be monitored.

One of these NPC's will be our murderer! As we get closer to Christmas we may contact you in order to kill off your NPC, as the murderer takes more victims!

When we assign you a PNPC we will also provide you with a motive as to why the death of the victim was advantageous to you. The PNPC's are going to be Dopterian so their minds cannot be read!

Please drop me and James a line if you've got any questions or queries regarding this!



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