Dark Matter Instructions Hello. I'm LadyBird aka FruitLoop and I want to thank you for downloading this skin. I tried to make it as easy as possible for you, so you would only have to copy a file to achieve the desired result. As you can see, there is a folder in the skin called Headers. It has no function on the server, but is rather a collection of header backgrounds for you to peruse and use at your leisure. There are a lot of different kinds of starships and a few starbases from Trek, but there is also a gate room for Stargate. I may have thrown a few other things in there too. If you are a newbie to skinning, you may want to simply use one of the premade headers I have provided. If you wish to create your own, it must be no other size than 750X150. Simply rename it to headerbg.png and copy it into the following folders: admin/images main/images wiki/images It is not needed in the login folder. If you know more than that, or care to try your hand at modding a skin, and wish to change the colors, I list the colors used below. The two shades of the same color is how the gradient effect is made. Top Blue: 2277CC Bottom Blue: 0055AA Grey: aaaaaa You can use an open source web editor for changing the colors rather easily: BlueFish and Notepad++ are both good options and are both free. Simply go to Find and Replace, enter the color you want to change into the Find field, then enter a hex color you wish to change it to in the Replace field. FF0000 is the truest red. 00FF00 is the truest green. 0000FF is the truest blue. There are hex finders on the web that you can use to find a color you like, but my favorite ones are below. Happy skinning! http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_colorpicker.asp http://colorpicker.com